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Antonette Beatty

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13y ago

The United States presidential election of 1876 remains the most controversial presidential election in American History. Samuel Tilden, the Democrat candidate from New York, received 51.0% of the popular vote, and earned 184 electoral votes. Rutherford B. Hayes, the Republican candidate from Ohio, received 47.9% of the popular vote, and had earned 165 electoral votes. However, 20 electoral votes (from the southern states of Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina) remained uncounted. Each party reported its candidate had won the disputed state, and only after a bitter legal and political battle was Hayes awarded all 20 electoral votes, thus edging out Tilden by one electoral vote, 185-184.

It is generally believed that an informal deal had been struck to resolve the dispute - the Compromise of 1877 - in which Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from the South (ending Reconstruction) in exchange for the Democrats' conceding the election to Hayes.

What is not as commonly known is that the 1876 election fiasco is a result of the failure of Congress, in 1872, to correctly apply Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. That portion of the Constitution requires that the House of Representatives be apportioned according to the populations of the various states. Different methods for doing this were tried over the years, and in 1852 Congress adopted a method known as "Hamilton's Apportionment Method".

However, in 1872, Congress strayed from Hamilton's Apportionment Method, and arbitrarily added 9 additional representatives to the House. Ironically, had Hamilton's Apportionment Method been used in 1872 (as required by law), Samuel Tilden would have won the 1876 election, and the events ending Reconstruction would likely have been quite different.

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12y ago

Hayes runs against Samuel Tilden in disputed presidential election due to rampant corruption with electoral vote 50% republican for Hayes and 50% Democratic for Tilden .On Jan. 29th 1877 congress had to creat an electoral commission to decide the disputed cases.....Hayes wins by one vote thanks to Justice Joseph P. Bradly

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13y ago

The South was still under the Reconstruction "Carpetbag" government which was dominated by Republicans and largely hated by the local Southern political leaders. The election returns from South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana were in dispute and the qualifications of the electors from these states as well as one from Oregon were challenged. The election was so close that these electors determined the election. Eventually Congress formed a panel of five senators, five congressmen and five Supreme Court justices to resolve the question of which electors to accept. All of the votes in dispute went to Hayes and he won by one electoral vote.

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14y ago

because the southern votes had not been counted

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12y ago

because Tilden won the popular votes but lost the electoral vote to Hayes.

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Jannette Murillo

Lvl 3
3y ago

The results were too close to name a clear winner. APEX

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the results were to close to name a clear winner

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The results were too close to name a clear winner

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The disputed election of 1876 was settled by a 15-member Electoral Commission. The commission declared that Rutherford B. Hayes was the winner.

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made a compromise with the Democrats.

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Republican Party candidate Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Democratic Party candidate Samuel Tilden.

Why did Congress determine the outcome of the 1876 election and what process did it employ to decide the winner?

There was not a clear winner in the electoral college which, according to the Constitution, put the issue before the House to decide. The South agreed to support Hayes, if Hayes agreed to end Reconstruction. Thus, he won.

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Rutherford B. Hayes

Winner of the contested 1876 election who presided over the end of the reconstruction and a sharp economic downturn?

Rutherford B. Hayes

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The Wanderers was the winner of the English FA Cup in 1876.