You write an if-then statement to represent what you think will happen at the end of your experiment. For example, let's say someone did an experiment on if chemicals effect plant growth. The hypothesis would be, "If chemicals contain unnatural substances that are un-earth friendly, then they will effect plant growth."
She was a Revolutionary War Hero. She was famous for her very well thought out letters. Eliza was a widow and a beautiful one at that during the War time.
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That mystery remains a closed chapter in Houston's history. There was an age difference, Eliza may have loved another and infidelity was rumored, and for a fact, Houston had a serious drinking problems during his lifetime.
Andrew Johnson married to Eliza McCardle @ the age of 18!! Eliza was 16 at the time!!
Indigo was introduced by plantation owner Eliza Lucas.
indigo plant or the war
For instance, if you wanted to experiment on plant a, plant b, and plant c. You would put plant c to one side, treat it like a normal plant (water, feed, etc.) and call that the control. You could then experiment on plant a and plant b - feeding them differing fertilisers, allowing pests to attack the plants, and so on. At the end of the experiment, you could compare the growth of plant a and plant b to the control plant c. Though plants are mentioned above, the principle relates to any experiment - you need a control to compare against the end results of the experiment.
A good plant experiment is the study of sunlight on a plant. Place one plant in sunlight and one in the shade and watch the changes between the two.
Analyze the experiment to decide whether the results were flawed.
Eliza Lucas Pinckney was most famous for proving that the plant indigo could grow in South Carolina (as a teenager too!)
it depends on how much power you want to have in your experiment, and how your going to test it: 1. Decide how you will quantify the data you will be collecting on plants, (e.g. - inches the plants grow, color, etc.) 2. Decide how long you are going to measure the plants 3. Decide how you will be treating the experimental group (are you going to spray the leaves? put the detergent in the soil?) 4. treat the plant with detergent however you decide you will treat them at the time you first treated them everyday, be consistent in your treatment because it effects the legitimacy of the experiment 5. Crunch the numbers when your done... GOOD LUCK!
The first step is to decide on the purpose of the experiment. What is it that you are trying to prove or disprove.
a good science experiment is a 3d plant cell model
By the activation Energy.
it's debend on the hypothesis.