It started even before Washington was president, The American victory in the Revolution impressed the European countries to some extent. Jefferson gained respect for defeating the Barbary pirates. Monroe showed Spain in particular and all of Europe that the US was supreme in North America. McKinley showed that the US had a strong navy.
it united the colonies into 1 and they gained respect from the other countries also showed the other countries how powerful they were.
No one in the South gained influence during the Civil War; the Union victory left the South shattered economically, politically, and socially. However post-war, two groups known as the 'Carpetbaggers' and the 'Scalliwags" became very influential.
he gained growing respect and a political following that would help him later novanet.
Wyomig was the first state to grant full suffrage to women.Since Wyomig is on the north west of U.S.A., it may have been on the WEst region.But also check out the facts on It tells us that it was Finland that was the first to fully grant women the suffrage rights.
In 1954 we(Belize ) gained universal adult suffrage
they gained respect.
The US gained respect for forcing the removal of the missiles; the Soviets lost respect in the eyes of the world for backing down.
they gained respect.
they gained respect.
America gained respect as a result of economic and military power.
maintaining Peace
Womens' Suffrage also known as Woman suffrage is the right of women to vote and to run for office, limited voting rights were gained by women in sweden, fnaland and in some US the 19th century. International organizations were formed to coordinate efforts, especially the international council of women.
Supported suffrage for all African American males
Women gained a limited ability to vote in the 19th century. Thanks to the Women's suffrage, they now have full ability to vote.
Suffrage is the right to vote gained through the democratic process. This can also be called political franchise, or just plain franchise. Suffrage is often used in terms of elections or representatives, but it can also apply to initiatives and referenda.
im not so sure sorry people