The Aztecs travelled on chariots if they were rich but if they were not then they walked. They travelled on boats on water which were made out of woven trees.
sun and sea and land and water
The Aztec Empire, also known as the Triple Alliance, was located in what is now present-day Mexico. It covered a large area, including parts of central and southern Mexico. The capital city of the Aztec Empire was Tenochtitlan, situated on an island in Lake Texcoco.
From Aztlán (White Land), an allusion to their origins, probably in Northern Mexico.
Aztec's (Mexica) got their name from archaeologists. The true name for the group of people is Mexica. When they walked the land and were asked what they were, they replied Mexica and not Aztec. Aztec can refer to a person who has origins in Aztlan. Aztlan is the land the United States stole from Mexico in the Mexican-American war and is part of the land the indigenous people known as the Mexica walked through after crossing over the Bering Straits, to get to this continent.
The Gulf of Mexico bordered Aztec land to the east and the Pacific Ocean bordered Aztec land to the west.
sun and sea and land and water
The major bodies of water that bordered Aztec land from north to south were the Gulf of Mexico, which lay to the east, and the Pacific Ocean to the west.
By land.
The Aztecs built causeways so they can get from the island surrounded by water to the land.
They grew crops on small plots of land surrounded by water.
actually nothing can travel on water and land i would say a motorcycle cause some people actually use it on water but other then that, there is nothing.
A Hovercraft
It lives mainly in the water but can also travel on land.
By Foot! By Foot! the Aztec people did not travel on horses like pople may say they did they travel on something called their head
A Hovercraft.