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Well, we get a lot of our sports for instance from the Olympics that used to be held in ancient Greece.

Also something very important is our Democracy. Greece had a direct democracy, which is very similar to our representative democracy. The only main difference is that Greece never had people to represent their say in the government. Instead, all who could would represent themselves. We also get some food from Greece.

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15y ago

i would like to know three questions? 1. how does studying acient cultures affect our lives? 2. how do we know more about neanderthals then any other earlier form of man? 3. how did the neanderthals become extinct?

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11y ago
  1. welll.they inviented all kinds of stuff and their roads were worn out so they couldnt go on them so thy could only travele by horses.+ they had to move to Indiana so where they could protect their selves from the old road in their old place they used to live at.
  2. Uhhh no^. Ancient Civilizations have affected our lives today immensely and in many different ways. This is a very broad question to answer quickly, so I can give a few examples. There are multiple inventions that were made during ancient times that have developed and improved over time - inventions that we recognize and use today; these include writing, the arts, early vehicles (starting from the wheel all the way to the war chariot), basic tools for agriculture and killing game (iron, bronze), the calendar (Maya), and many more. Obviously, all of these inventions have evolved over time into modern writing, automobiles, advanced tools and machinery for mass production, and etc. Hope this helps!
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