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The ancient Roman architecture has influenced modern-day architecture by the reuse of columns. If you look at ancient Roman temples, many have columns around the exterior, such as the Pantheon. This is represented in the modern-day world in many buildings such as the White House, The Lincoln Museum, and many others.

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14y ago
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7y ago

Influential contributions to culture have a kind of immortality. The best place to observe this is in architecture. It is not uncommon for even starkly modern buildings to have stylised Roman arches and columns. Language, too, even while changing, keeps its link with the past, so that the make up of a word like "conspirators" (literally those who "breathe together") still has some ring of its original sense. In literature, it is often said that we are always telling over and over the same stories and this is because much of our literature can be traced back to prehistoric myths.

In other arts, such as music, there was a more or less complete break with the past with the fall of the Roman Empire. Nonetheless, the survival of Roman sculpture and literature had a tremendous influence on the works of the Renaissance and the discovery of the buried cities of Pompei and Herculaneum brought about renewed interest in classical styles in the period before the Industrial Revolution.

Also the Cubist painter Ferdnand Leger was strongly influenced by roman art as also the German Expressionist painter Max Beckmann. Roman art was an alternative for Classical or Greec art for many artists who looked for their art roots, as the abstract sculptor Wotruba and Henry Moore.|

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10y ago

The architecture of ancient Rome has influenced successive societies, even Western Civilization as a whole, in a persistent way. Modern society still bears the mark of Roman architecture in the grand staircases and pillared porticoes of its public buildings, in the use of raised piping (aqueducts of a modern sort), in arches utilized for decorative and support-purposes, in the arrangement of concrete-based roadways, and in many other ways.

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11y ago

Themes of Roman mythology were common in the painting and sculpture of the Renaissance and later painting and sculpture. They were frequently used for centuries in western European literature.

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10y ago

Roman sculpture and architecture influenced European sculpture painting and architecture until the early 20th century. They influenced the art of the Renaissance (14th-15th century) Baroque (17th-18th century) and Neoclassicism (18th-20th century, and is still sometimes used today).

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13y ago

ancient rome made demacracy, our government

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10y ago

Roman art influenced Renaissance art (15th and 16th centuries) Baroque art (17th and 18th centuries) and Neoclassical art (18th to early 20th century). It is not very influential any more.

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12y ago

by the amazing work they done!

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Q: How has Roman architecture influenced modern?
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Roman culture influenced American culture through its architecture, literate and laws. The Neoclassical architecture and sculpture (18th to early 20th century) was based on Roman architecture. Roma literature influenced western literature and the American elites until the 20th century. Modern law has been influenced by Roman law. There was also an interest in Roman history and mythology

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The main Greek influence has come through the way it influenced Roman architecture. Much of Renaissance architecture was influenced by Roman architecture. Brunelleschi, the great early Renaissance architect went to Rome to study Roman buildings. A big influence was the discovery of De Architecta, a text book on (Roman) architecture by Vitruvius, a Roman architect and engineer. Palladium was the father of the Palladian style which became very popular in Britain, which was based on the roman mansion. The neo-classical style was based on gthe Graeco-roman style. The dome was a great Roman achievement The Pantheon and the Hagia Sophia have been regarded as yardsticks for later domes.

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Washington DC has many buildings that have been influenced by the Romans. The arch, vault, and dome are all from the Romans.

How has ancient Egyptian architecture influenced modern day architecture?

The question of how architecture of such antiquity has influenced modern architecture is more one of evolution than direct influence, although in parts of the middle east a more direct influence can be seen in the modern buildings of today, with a distinct regional style that one would not see in the west, normally. Essentially architecture, like all art and technology, has evolved over the centuries: Egyptian architecture influenced Greek; Greek influenced Roman; Roman produced the basis of classical architecture which still forms the basis of proportion and scale still seen in much of architecture today. However, there are very many other influences, including less formal styles of architecture, in particular regional 'vernacular' characteristics. These are seen more in less 'designed' buildings, but have also crept into formalised architecture since the Victorian period, most particularly in the Arts and Crafts movement - Lutyens, Morris et al. It is also important to note that true modernist architecture - that seen since the early 20th century, doesn't conform to many of the accepted architectural rules of proportion and rhythm which resulted from classical architecture. I am not an Architect, so perhaps a proper Architect out there can add to this, and/or correct if I'm wrong in anyway.