If your talking rarity, then it's about as rare as a Pokemon LEGEND card. And those
are RARE. 2/20 people find those in card packs. But ancient mew cards you can buy directly at some places. Like a comic book store or something. I bought one of mine for about $2 at my comic book store. But it's a One-Per-Person deal. They are that rare. So if you plan to buy one, don't plan on getting more than 1.
Hope this helped! (It should of or I just wasted 10 minutes of my life typing for nothing)
not available
On one website I went on it said it is worth around $100-$200 in US dollars. it may be worth alot but on pokeorder .com you can get it for 19.00 +
There were no cars in ancient times in Greece.
It did not cost to get into the Colisseum in Rome, usually a rich person in Rome would pay for everyone to come with their own money so it was usually a treat.
If you mean to construct the theater, its impossible to estimate due to the differences in monetary value. If you mean the price to enter the theater, it was nothing. Ancient performances were free to all.
about $5 aproxamatly
It costs $10000
it cost 800$
$14.99 bucks in target
it costs 44.99 without power up card with card it cost 40.49
Around $00.50
500 credit plus 19,000,0000 pokemoney
my friend says about $200 on eBay someones bound to buy it
In the games it doesn't cost anything or worth anything, because you can't buy or sell Pokemon. As a card, around two dollars almost.
it cost nothing
the EX one is worth at least 20 dollars on amazon.
It doesn't worth or cost anything, because in the games you can't buy it or sell it. As a card, nearly two dollars.