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They were conquered in 1516

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Q: Spanish conquer the Aztecs and the Incas in what year?
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What year did the Incas take over the Aztecs?

The Incas never took over the Aztecs. Both were destroyed by the Spanish Conquistadors in the early 16th century.

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The Mongols never went to South America. It was the Spanish that conquered the Aztecs.

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What year did Francisco Pizarro conquer the Incas of Peru?

in 1530

What year did the Spanish defeat the Incas?

The Spanish fought the Incas from 1532 to 1572 when the last Inca ruler was executed.

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in what year did the aztecs rise up and throw the spanish out of their city?

Who was the ruler of the Aztecs at the time of their conquest by the Spainards?

In 1521, the year Spain conquered the Aztecs, Cuauhtémoc was the leader of the Aztecs. In 1525, Cuauhtémoc was executed by the Spanish.

What year was the Spanish Conquest?

The question is too vague: the Spanish Conquest of what? whom? The Aztecs? The Incas? Or do you mean the Re-conquest (La Reconquista), the winning back, after hundreds of years of Moorish occupation of Spain, by Christian Spain under the 'Reyes Catolicos', Ferdinand and Isabella? Be more specific, please.

What did Montezuma and atahualpa have in contrast?

Montezuma was the ruler of the Aztecs, and Atahualpa was the leader of the Incas. Montezuma thought that Herman Cortez was a god, and Atahualpa didn't think that Francisco Pizarro was a god. Montezuma was hated by the Aztecs because he sacrificed his people, and Atahualpa was killed one year after he became ruler of the Incas.

What year did the Incas were in power?

Historians cite the year 1300 AD CE as the beginning of Inca dominance in South America. Their influence grew and they conquered other Native Tribes. In 1533, however, the Spanish conquistador, Francisco Pizarro, began to take over the Inca empire. In 1536, the Incas were conquered by the Spanish.