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A system of written laws readable by all, rather than oral systems kept in the heads of aristocracies, which put the majority in the hands of the aristocrats and therefor their clients.

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Q: The Hammurabi Code the Ten Commandments and the Twelve Tables were all significant to their societies because they established?
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Hammurabi's Code and the Ten Commandments and the Twelve Tables were all significant to their societies because they established?

The 10 commandments are the base of laws that could be written, but the answer to the question is that they were significant because they are just laws.

What law did Hammurabi skip?

Actually, the code was designed for primitive societies and it was complete for most historians.

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Who received most of the punishments umder Hammurabi's code of law?

People who broke those rules. You have to remember that the capital punishment existed in all ancient societies.

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Vedanta Societies are located worldwide. In the United States there are major chapters in Southern California, Arizona and New York. The Vedanta Society was established in 1894.

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Hindi language is not created by a particular person. This is a self-generated language within the multiple societies.

Jewish tradition teaches that governments in Jewish societies should make policies that conform to the Ten Commandments. This illustrates the belief that?

the laws of man are to be based on the laws of God [APEX]