Cyclops are one eyed giants.
singular-Cyclops Plural-cyclopes
The name of a mythical creature with three eyes is a golden basilisk. This snake could kill someone just by looking at them.
Cyclops have one eye because people who discovered it on an island saw elephant skeletons. they were not experts, so they thought it was a new mystical creature. so comes the cyclops. But why does the cyclops have one eye? The reason a cyclops has one eye is because the people who found it saw the large hole in the skull. This was the space for the elephant trunk, but they thought that it was an eye socket! There we go.
A cyclops has one eye.
Two eyes; for a cyclops has only one.
A Cyclops has one eye. Cyclops had one eye.
Cyclops was a mythical monster with one eye. The cyclops raised sheep for food.
A monster with one eye is called a Cyclops.
Cyclops are one eyed mythical creatures
Cyclops are one eyed giants.
Cyclops are told to be large giants with one eye, but cyclops simply means one having a single eye.
Cyclops was a mythical monster with only one eye. Cyclops raised sheep for food.
A cyclops typically has one eyelid, as they only have one eye.
The cyclops is one-eyed, and ungracious.
One eyed monsters are called Cyclops.