

What is paprus?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Paprus is an Egyptian plant used for paper and normally grows in Egypt, Africa.

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Q: What is paprus?
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What was paprus usedfor?

Papyrus was used as paper by the the Anceit egyptians

What did Egypt people invent?

they invented paprus ,black ink,a writing system, and beer

Did the egyptians ivent the sails?

They invented it so that they could import and export things using the Nile River.

How was papyrus a gift of the Nile?

Paprus was a gift of the nile because yearly, the nile would flood with water, creating silt (Silt is fertile soil), which would allow Cyperus Papyrus to grow, which papyrus is made from.

What were hieroglyphics written on?

Hieroglyphics were written out of animals, items, daily things, pretty much anything. The ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics on papyrus and clay tablets to record laws, literature and commercial transactions. They also decorated pottery, the stone walls of tombs and other architecture and wooden objects with hieroglyphics.

What was the first sailboat made of?

Many societies in prehistoric times built sailboats, from the Chinese, Japanese, and Polynesian islands to the Egyptians and Phoenicians. The development was most notable in the Mediterranean Sea, and the waters around SE Asia. By the time of the European explorers of the 14th and 15th century, sailboats had become ocean-going ships. These ships, which visited nearly all the regions of the world, had an influence on the world's global cultures from that point on.

How were hieroglyphs?

Hieroglyphs were the script used by the ancient Egyptians to communicate with each other. But the word 'hieroglyph' is derived from Greek. The hieroglyph scripts consisted of letters, figures, and diagrams. Hieroglyphology is the study of the hieroglyph script. Since the hieroglyphic script was deemed to be too difficult for the layman, another simpler version called the hieratic script was born. The hieratic script gave way to a further simplified version called the demotic script.Explorers would find parchment or rocks on which the hieroglyph was inscribed on but they could not make any sense of it. Great scholars such as Athanasius Kircher tried their luck at deciphering the script. It was only when Napoleon's army came across the Rosetta stone on of their campaigns that the secrets of the hieroglyph were unlocked. The stone contained most of the characters of the scripts along with a translation in Greek. It was later found that the script contained complex mathematics and physics formulae.It is the Egyptians way of writing.They didn't have an alphabet back then. They were used to write secret messages back and forth without the sender being enabled to read it.== Hieroglyphics were written on PAPYRUS. It was one of the world's first papers. It was made out of paprus reeds.ancient egyptians used the ideograms to make pictorial representations of words for writing, just like we use the alphabet for writing

How were hieroglyphics useful?

they were used for comunicating throughout the Egyptian times for the after life and to deliver messages to people. they are formed by a seires of lines, curves, animals and equipment to form a moral