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Αλεξάνδρεια - Alexandria is famous as it is one of the many cities founded by Alexander the great around the territories he conquered in his 10 years expedition to the east and against the Persian Empire [Achaemenid Empire].

The location of the city was 70kms northern of a previous Greek established settlement of Ναυκρατίς - Naucratis.

The limits of the city, the position of the temples and public interest buildings [agora, library, stadium etc] were set by Alexander himself in 331 BCE. Shortly after he left for his expedition and never came back.

Alexandria became the capital city of Egypt for nearly a thousand years until 641 AD when was conquered by the Arabs.

Alexandria was famous for its Library where the majority of scientific documents was kept during the ancient times. The library was several times hit by fire and and/ or acts of violence before and after the first century AD until it was destroyed by Christians in 391 AD.

Of course the Lighthouse of Alexandria was another landmark established by Ptolemy around 280 BCE and lasted until the 14th century AD.

Currently the city occupies 32 kms of the Egyptian shore line of the north, it is the second largest city of Egypt with 4,1 million inhabitants.

The famous Library of Alexandria was re established by the Egyptian government in the year 2002.

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