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The Greek "empire" that was won by Alexander the great was never conquered. It collapsed and was divided by his generals into independent kingdoms.

The Greek "empire" that was won by Alexander the Great was never conquered. It collapsed and was divided by his generals into independent kingdoms.

The Greek "empire" that was won by Alexander the Great was never conquered. It collapsed and was divided by his generals into independent kingdoms.

The Greek "empire" that was won by Alexander the Great was never conquered. It collapsed and was divided by his generals into independent kingdoms.

The Greek "empire" that was won by Alexander the Great was never conquered. It collapsed and was divided by his generals into independent kingdoms.

The Greek "empire" that was won by Alexander the Great was never conquered. It collapsed and was divided by his generals into independent kingdoms.

The Greek "empire" that was won by Alexander the Great was never conquered. It collapsed and was divided by his generals into independent kingdoms.

The Greek "empire" that was won by Alexander the Great was never conquered. It collapsed and was divided by his generals into independent kingdoms.

The Greek "empire" that was won by Alexander the Great was never conquered. It collapsed and was divided by his generals into independent kingdoms.

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The Greek "empire" that was won by Alexander the Great was never conquered. It collapsed and was divided by his generals into independent kingdoms.

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Q: When the Greek empire fell in the 2nd century BC who conquered them?
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The greek cities in Ionia were conquered by what?

The Greek cities in Ionia, which is present day Turkey, were conquered in the 6th century BC and later fell into Athenian domination until it was conquered by the Persians again in the 4th century BC. It became part of the Roman empire later in the 2nd century BC.

How did Chandragupta hold his vast empire together?

Chandragupta conquered the nanda empire giving him power over a huge section of India. He went on to conquer many other lands they were very large in size but when they fell not much land was lost...

When did the Persian Empire exist?

The Persian Empire existed in the general area of Iran in ancient times, and spread into the area of the Middle East, and modern Turkey and as far west as Libya in Africa and Greece on the Balkan Peninsula.The first empire of Persia was the Achaemenid Empire of Cyrus the Great, which fought with the Greeks and lasted from around 550 BC to 330 BC, when much of its territory was conquered by Alexander the Great. The subsequent Seleucid Greek Empire was succeeded in Persia by a smaller dominion known as the Parthian Empire, from 247 BC to 224 AD.This kingdom fell under the rule of Ardashir I of the Fars Province in Persia, who created the Sassanid Empire (also known as the Second Persian Empire), which was mostly confined to SW Asia and lasted from 224 to 651 AD, when it was conquered by Islamic Arabs.

What year did Roman Empire get divided into the East and West empire?

The Empire was divided by Diocletian in 285 CE. However, the empire was also reunified on many occasions such as during the reigns of Theodosius I, Constantine the Great, and Julian the Apostate. These reunification were all short-lived and died with the death of their respective emperors.

When did the fall of rome occur?

The western Roman empire fell in 476 AD.The western Roman empire fell in 476 AD.The western Roman empire fell in 476 AD.The western Roman empire fell in 476 AD.The western Roman empire fell in 476 AD.The western Roman empire fell in 476 AD.The western Roman empire fell in 476 AD.The western Roman empire fell in 476 AD.The western Roman empire fell in 476 AD.

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The greek cities in Ionia were conquered by what?

The Greek cities in Ionia, which is present day Turkey, were conquered in the 6th century BC and later fell into Athenian domination until it was conquered by the Persians again in the 4th century BC. It became part of the Roman empire later in the 2nd century BC.

What was Alexander the Greats kingdom?

alexandrian they spread greek culture

What Greek kingdoms fell to the Romans in the 1st Century?

All the Greek kingdoms fell to the Romans in the first century BC. Macedon fell in 148 BC. The whole of mainland Greece fell in 146 BC, including the kingdoms of Epirus and Athamantia. What had remained of the Seleucid Empire (Syria) fell in 63 BC. The Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt fell in 30 BC.

What empire fell in 1453?

The Byzantine Empire fell in 1453 when Mehmet II el-Fatih, the Ottoman Emperor, conquered Constantinople.

Why do you think Justinian decided to conquered lands to the west of his empire?

because he wanted to rebuild/reconquer the Roman Empire which recently fell (Eastern Roman Empire fell) to barbaric tribes

When did the incan empire fall?

The Incan empire fell in 1533.

What places fell into the Greek empire?

There was never a Greek empire.There was never a Greek empire.There was never a Greek empire.There was never a Greek empire.There was never a Greek empire.There was never a Greek empire.There was never a Greek empire.There was never a Greek empire.There was never a Greek empire.

How did the greek empire grow and shrunk?

The Greeks never had an empire. The closest they came to an empire was under Alexander the Great, but even though he conquered a lot of territory, it never became an empire and fell apart after his death. Ancient Greece was a collection of independent city-states and never permanently united.The Greeks never had an empire. The closest they came to an empire was under Alexander the Great, but even though he conquered a lot of territory, it never became an empire and fell apart after his death. Ancient Greece was a collection of independent city-states and never permanently united.The Greeks never had an empire. The closest they came to an empire was under Alexander the Great, but even though he conquered a lot of territory, it never became an empire and fell apart after his death. Ancient Greece was a collection of independent city-states and never permanently united.The Greeks never had an empire. The closest they came to an empire was under Alexander the Great, but even though he conquered a lot of territory, it never became an empire and fell apart after his death. Ancient Greece was a collection of independent city-states and never permanently united.The Greeks never had an empire. The closest they came to an empire was under Alexander the Great, but even though he conquered a lot of territory, it never became an empire and fell apart after his death. Ancient Greece was a collection of independent city-states and never permanently united.The Greeks never had an empire. The closest they came to an empire was under Alexander the Great, but even though he conquered a lot of territory, it never became an empire and fell apart after his death. Ancient Greece was a collection of independent city-states and never permanently united.The Greeks never had an empire. The closest they came to an empire was under Alexander the Great, but even though he conquered a lot of territory, it never became an empire and fell apart after his death. Ancient Greece was a collection of independent city-states and never permanently united.The Greeks never had an empire. The closest they came to an empire was under Alexander the Great, but even though he conquered a lot of territory, it never became an empire and fell apart after his death. Ancient Greece was a collection of independent city-states and never permanently united.The Greeks never had an empire. The closest they came to an empire was under Alexander the Great, but even though he conquered a lot of territory, it never became an empire and fell apart after his death. Ancient Greece was a collection of independent city-states and never permanently united.

In which century did the Germanic tribes cause the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

The Western Roman empire fell to the Germanic tribes in 476 which was the 5th century of our era.

What events led the down fall of the city of Rome?

The city of Rome never actually fell. It was not conquered. What fell was the western part of the Roman Empire. It fell under the strain of the invasion by the Germanic peoples.

When did the Romans conquer the British empire?

The Romans never conquered the British empire. The British empire began roughly 1,600 years after Rome fell. Rome annexed the province of Britannia into its empire in 43 AD.

Who took over Egypt when it fell?

Alexander the Great. Then when his empire broke up Egypt was ruled by Ptolemaic Greeks (e.g. Cleopatra) until the Roman Empire conquered them.