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It depended upon their wealth. Remember that all patricians were not necesdsarily rich, as some of the families had lost their fortunes over the years. Patrician was a class determined by birth, not wealth. The wealthy patricians (or any other wealthy class of people) made their homes on the Palatine, Esqualine and Caelian hills.

It depended upon their wealth. Remember that all patricians were not necesdsarily rich, as some of the families had lost their fortunes over the years. Patrician was a class determined by birth, not wealth. The wealthy patricians (or any other wealthy class of people) made their homes on the Palatine, Esqualine and Caelian hills.

It depended upon their wealth. Remember that all patricians were not necesdsarily rich, as some of the families had lost their fortunes over the years. Patrician was a class determined by birth, not wealth. The wealthy patricians (or any other wealthy class of people) made their homes on the Palatine, Esqualine and Caelian hills.

It depended upon their wealth. Remember that all patricians were not necesdsarily rich, as some of the families had lost their fortunes over the years. Patrician was a class determined by birth, not wealth. The wealthy patricians (or any other wealthy class of people) made their homes on the Palatine, Esqualine and Caelian hills.

It depended upon their wealth. Remember that all patricians were not necesdsarily rich, as some of the families had lost their fortunes over the years. Patrician was a class determined by birth, not wealth. The wealthy patricians (or any other wealthy class of people) made their homes on the Palatine, Esqualine and Caelian hills.

It depended upon their wealth. Remember that all patricians were not necesdsarily rich, as some of the families had lost their fortunes over the years. Patrician was a class determined by birth, not wealth. The wealthy patricians (or any other wealthy class of people) made their homes on the Palatine, Esqualine and Caelian hills.

It depended upon their wealth. Remember that all patricians were not necesdsarily rich, as some of the families had lost their fortunes over the years. Patrician was a class determined by birth, not wealth. The wealthy patricians (or any other wealthy class of people) made their homes on the Palatine, Esqualine and Caelian hills.

It depended upon their wealth. Remember that all patricians were not necesdsarily rich, as some of the families had lost their fortunes over the years. Patrician was a class determined by birth, not wealth. The wealthy patricians (or any other wealthy class of people) made their homes on the Palatine, Esqualine and Caelian hills.

It depended upon their wealth. Remember that all patricians were not necesdsarily rich, as some of the families had lost their fortunes over the years. Patrician was a class determined by birth, not wealth. The wealthy patricians (or any other wealthy class of people) made their homes on the Palatine, Esqualine and Caelian hills.

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8y ago

The patricians lived in detached houses, called doumus, dotted around the city, especially on the top of the hills, which were more pleasant and safer from diseases, especially malaria, or the outskirts. The Palatine Hill was the most aristocratic area of the city.

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12y ago

It depended upon their wealth. Remember that all patricians were not necesdsarily rich, as some of the families had lost their fortunes over the years. Patrician was a class determined by birth, not wealth. The wealthy patricians (or any other wealthy class of people) made their homes on the Palatine, Esqualine and Caelian hills.

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Which term refer to the land-owning aristocrats who served as priests magistrates lawyers and judges in ancient Rome?

It was the patricians, who were the aristocracy.

What magistrates protected the plebeians from arbitrary power exercised by the patricians in ancient Rome?


Who were the patricians?

In ancient Rome, patricians were members of certain ancient noble families. The title of patrician was NOT awarded on the basis of wealth - it was a case of breeding. Some men in Rome became fabulously wealthy, richer by far than most or even all patricians, but could never be made patrician. Patricians originally held all power in Rome, during the Kingdom period and the Republic, but as the Republic aged non-patricians gained more and more power. By the end of the Republic, the Patricians were no longer an all-powerful ruling class - however, they still retained much of their influence.In Roman times, the patricians were the upper class nobles, politicians, professionals, etc. The rest were the plebeians ("plebs" is still in use today).A patrician is defined as a nobleman or an aristocrat.

Patricians and plebians?

These are the two social classes in ancient Rome. Patricians were the wealthy land owners while the plebeians were the subordinate farmers, merchants and artisans. In early Rome only patricians could hold any political office, but that was changed by mass exoduses by plebeians rallying for political reform. The patrician class was so small the city of Rome in and of itself could not be run without the plebeians there to help.

How were social classes divided in ancient Rome?

Five of the social classes in ancient Rome were the patricians, the plebeians, the equites, freedmen and slaves.

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What were the wealthy landowners of ancient rome were called?

the PATRICIANS. the poor, common people were the PLEBIANS.

Who had citizenship in Ancient Rome?

The Patricians

What were the large estates owned by patricians in ancient Rome called?

Large estates in Ancient Rome, owned by patricians, were called latifundia.

Who were patrician's?

The patricians were the aristocracy of ancient Rome.

Who were patricians and plebeian?

In ancient Rome the Patricians were the established ruling class while the Plebians were the common people

Did patricians go on vacation in ancient Rome?

Yes because they of course needed a break. Also, of course in the Ancient Rome times, a vacation was wonderful for the patricians.

Who were the people in Ancient Rome?

Ancient Romans (Plebeians, Equestrians and Patricians)

Where and how do the patricians live?

A Patrician is a person of noble or high rank - the aristocracy of ancient Rome, a title conferred by the Emperor

What did patrician do?

patricians were rich people in ancient Rome \

What were the classes of ancient Rome?

The plebians, equites/equestrians and patricians.

How were patricians different from other social classes in Ancient Rome?

The patricians were the Roman aristocracy.

Who is members of the roman non- aristocratic class?

Only the patricians an the plebeians were members of the aristocratic clas in ancient Rome. All other classes, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves, were non-aristocrates.Only the patricians an the plebeians were members of the aristocratic clas in ancient Rome. All other classes, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves, were non-aristocrates.Only the patricians an the plebeians were members of the aristocratic clas in ancient Rome. All other classes, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves, were non-aristocrates.Only the patricians an the plebeians were members of the aristocratic clas in ancient Rome. All other classes, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves, were non-aristocrates.Only the patricians an the plebeians were members of the aristocratic clas in ancient Rome. All other classes, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves, were non-aristocrates.Only the patricians an the plebeians were members of the aristocratic clas in ancient Rome. All other classes, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves, were non-aristocrates.Only the patricians an the plebeians were members of the aristocratic clas in ancient Rome. All other classes, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves, were non-aristocrates.Only the patricians an the plebeians were members of the aristocratic clas in ancient Rome. All other classes, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves, were non-aristocrates.Only the patricians an the plebeians were members of the aristocratic clas in ancient Rome. All other classes, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen and the slaves, were non-aristocrates.