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In the Arthurian legend, it is almost always his illegitimate father Uther who was king before him. In most legends, Aeuralius Ambrosius was king before Uther, and before him it was Vortigern.

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Q: Who was king before King Arthur?
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King Arthur is a legendary king and did not exist.

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No. There are no records of a King Arthur in England, certainly not in Anglo-Saxon England.

When King Arthur was around was warfare around?

Yes, when King Arthur was around warfare existed. The only fact we know about King Arthur is that he was a king in the English county of Cornwall sometime after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Warfare existed before written records existed. Warfare existed long before the days of the Roman Empire or any other Empire. It existed long before the days of King Arthur. We can say with certainty that it existed during the time of King Arthur. People have told many different stories about King Arthur over the years. We are not sure which items in the stories about King Arthur are correct and which ones are not. We still enjoy hearing them and seeing them presented in plays, on our TVs, and in our Movie Theaters.