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Q: Who was the ancient Eygption Goddess of Love?
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Who was the force of love in ancient Greece?

Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

In ancient Greece who is the goddess of love?


Is Aphrodite the goddess of love?

In ancient Greek culture, yes. In other ancient cultures the goddess of love was known as Ishtar, Inanna, Astarte, or Venus.No, Aphrodite was

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What is the most popular ancient Mesopotamian goddess' name?

Ishtar, goddess of war and love.

Why was aphrodite jealous of isis?

Aphrodite is a ancient Greek goddess of love. Isis is a ancient Egyptian goddess of health, marriage, and love. They were never jealous of each other.

What is the name of the ancient Egypt goddess of love?

Hathor who was associated with love and beauty.

What might have been the duties of an ancient Egyptian's?

to help mentore the anchent eygption goverment

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to help mentore the anchent eygption goverment

Who is Venus to the ancient Greeks?

Venus, the Roman goddess, was unknown to the Greeks. Their love goddess was Aphrodite.

Is there a god for love?

god is love! but if your looking for an ancient false god then their is aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty.

Does Justin Bieber love eygption girls?

He probably does, his favourite are British girls though :)