fire, forges, handicrafts, metalworking, and volcanoes
The word volcano more likely came from ROMAN mythology, not Greek, because the Roman god of fire and volcanoes was called Vulcan.
In Roman mythology, he is the blacksmith god, or the god of the forges.
Greek Mythology - Hades Roman Mythology - Pluto
Cupid was a god of Roman mythology, he was associated in Greek mythology with Eros. Cupid was a important god of love and desire in Roman mythology, the son of Mars and Venus.
The Roman god of metalworking was Vulcan, also known as Hephaestus in Greek mythology. He was the god of fire, blacksmiths, and craftsmanship. Vulcan was believed to be responsible for creating weapons and armor for the gods.
The Roman blacksmith god is Vulcan (known as Hephaestus in Greek mythology). He is the god of fire, metalworking, and volcanoes. Vulcan is often depicted as a skilled craftsman who forges weapons and armor for the gods.
No. The world volcano comes from Roman mythology. We get it from Vulcano, a volcanic island off the coast of Sicily which was once believed to be the forge of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire, metalworking, and volcanoes.
In Greek mythology, the god of the forge is Hephaestus. He is the blacksmith of the gods, skilled in metalworking and crafting weapons and armor. Hephaestus is also associated with fire and volcanoes.
Vulcan is the Roman god of fire, metalworking, and craftsmanship. He is often associated with volcanoes and the forge, where he creates weapons and armor for the gods.
That is part of the Greek mythology. HEPHAISTOS was the great Olympian god of fire, metalworking, building and the fine arts.
Hephaestus, who is also the lame god of fire.
Depends on the mythology. Agni (Hindu), Nergal (Sumeria), Uriel (Judaeo-Christian), Prometheus or Haephestus, (Greek), Vulcan (Roman), and of course there are many more.
Vulcan, or Hephaestus, has the emblem of fire. he is the god of fire and the underworld in Roman Mythology and in Greek, he is the god of fire and the forge.
Hephaestus is a resident of Mount Olympus, the home of the gods in Greek mythology. He is the god of fire, metalworking, and craftsmanship, and is known for his skills as a blacksmith.
The Roman god of forge is Vulcan. He is the equivalent of the Greek god Hephaestus and is associated with fire, metalworking, and craftsmanship. Vulcan was believed to have his forge located beneath Mount Etna in Sicily.
The supreme god in Roman mythology is Jupiter, preceded by Saturn.