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Q: Why we believe in myths and there existence?
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Related questions

Why do you need to believe in myths?

You do not need to believe in myths.

Why did the people in the old times believe in myths?

The myths were the religion of Greeks and Romans. We call them myths, because we do not believe in them.

Why don't people believe in myths when they will believe in dinosaurs?

There is no proof of myths but there is proof of dinosaurs.

Why do we still believe in mythology?

Myths are stories we do not believe in (any longer). Stories we do believe are not considered myths. The Greek myths were the religion of the ancient Greeks. It has been supplanted by Christianity.

Why believe in myths?


Why did the Greeks believe in myths?

It gave them something to believe.

The Greek myths came before the Norse myths?

we believe they do. they came first.

Do all Greeks believe in myths?


Should you be afraid of a groundhog?

you should if you believe in myths

Is the flight of Icarus true or not?

We do not believe in the Greek myths nowadays.

Did Greece and Rome both believe in myths?

Yes, it was their religion.

Why did people believe in the ancient Egyptian creation myths?
