

Why did the people in the old times believe in myths?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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The myths were the religion of Greeks and Romans. We call them myths, because we do not believe in them.

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Q: Why did the people in the old times believe in myths?
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No. These are just old myths and superstitions, don't believe in them.

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The greek myths are as old as the greeks, for they are who made them.

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Mythology is a cultural and historical narrative that continues to evolve over time. While some ancient mythologies are no longer widely believed in a literal sense, their stories and themes still influence art, literature, and popular culture today. Mythological traditions may never truly end, as new stories and beliefs continue to emerge in different forms.

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Did the greek god Pan die?

To answer this question you have to think of what you believe in. If you believe in the Greek gods, then you have to look at the old myths. Then, you have to ask yourself if you believe the stories. Many people ask this question because they have read the Percy Jackson series. This question is all about your personal beliefs. I hope this answers your question, even if it is slightly confusing.

What is a myth and ledgend?

A wise old storyteller told me that myths are "other people's religion."For example, the Olympic gods were not myths to the Greeks who believed in them, but they are myths to those who don't.Legends have their roots in fact but have been passed on -- and generally exaggerated -- through word of mouth.

Who wrote Daedalus and Icarus?

There are no authors of the Greek myths, they were age old and handed over from generation to generation.

What year did people start creating Japanese myths?

Myths are old teaching stories and tall tales, originally told around fires when man was still very young. Japanese myths most likely started shortly after the first humans came to Japan.

How old are Scandinavian myths?

At least two thousand years old.