Scribes kept all kinds of records and so they have variety of jobs.
I think women weren't allowed to be scribes because men were "so smart" and they thought they were so much better than women, and women have too many chores to do, so they won't have enough time to do anything! :(
Scribes probably wrote down every important detail about the king and priest's meetings and requirements to please the god protecting the city-state.
Scribes were among the most respected workers in ancient Egypt. Following the religious god Thoth, they are depicted in hieroglyphics as having used wooden palettes, brushes, pens made from Nile reeds and rolls of papyrus. Scribes in training practiced on a substance called ostraca, which is a piece of easily attainable pottery or stone that was less expensive to make. Red and black were the primary colors of their ink, typically made of a mixture of soot, gum and red oxide.
for one to become a scribe, he/she had to attend a special school for the scribes. At this school one would learn to read and write the hieroglyphic and hieratic scripts. This was hard work since the scripts are complicated, and there were also many signs to learn.
They were called scribes. There weren't many people trained to be scribes so the people who were scribes rushed around a lot and had a lot of responsiblility. they also did not believe in love! they marry who their parents pick.
They were called scribes. There weren't many people trained to be scribes so the people who were scribes rushed around a lot and had a lot of responsiblility. they also did not believe in love! they marry who their parents pick.
Egyptian scribes were usually highly educated in comparision to most, so quite high
scribes were important on Egypt to record tings that were happenng in the town like birth deth and so on.
When the scribes ran out of paper and walls to write on, they used a slaves gouch and was killed and placed up-side down so people could read of his gouch.
Scribes received training to write hieroglyphics. So did priests and royalty.
In modern Israel, there are no scribes (just as there are no scribes in any other modern country). In Ancient Israel, scribes wrote down information for the government bureaucracy. At that time, literacy was incredibly low, so the scribes wrote and read for the leadership.
Scribes basically Wrote down the history of an area. Scribes in a small town or village basically their job is to write down whats happening.
Today the Hatshepsut sent me to were the scribes work. All he asked me to do was get a document. The scribes write in hieroglyphics. They write books and documents and some other things. Scribes were hired as professional writers and recorders of information. Few people can write or know how to read, so scribes are specially trained to write letters and keep accounts. I have no idea what the document was, but I had no time to find out.
Scribes were honored because they held records and accounts. Scribes also wrote and copied religious and literary texts.
Scribes kept all kinds of records and so they have variety of jobs.
The scribes wrote on clay tablets that indicated what they were trying to communicate with other members of their city state. Scribes were also needed to record food and other materials. Scribes were very important in Mesopotamia.