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Yes, bunnies can be territorial animals, especially when it comes to protecting their food, shelter, or breeding areas. They may display aggressive behavior towards other bunnies invading their territory.

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Q: Are bunnies territorial animals
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Do bunnies fight with a new bunny?

if you are trying to figure out if bunnies are territorial or not they can be and they also dont have to be. for instance if you trained you bunny to be mean its probbably territorial if you treated it nice and trained it nice it is not territorial

How big are the animals?

well bunnies are small and tigers are biigger than bunnies. how big are the animals? does not make sense.

Can baby bunnies be harmful?

no they are VERY safe animals but most things can be harmful to baby bunnies!

What kind of animals are in grassy lands?

bunnies, birds, and other animals

Can guinea pigs live with lionhead bunnies?

It is not recommended to house guinea pigs and lionhead bunnies together. Guinea pigs and rabbits have different care requirements, diets, and social behaviors. Guinea pigs are prey animals and may become stressed by the presence of a predator-like bunny.

Do bunnies have a good memory?

Yes, bunnies have a good memory. They can remember their surroundings, other animals, and even people.

What are the pretators of the bunnies?

The predators of the bunnies are the stoats (weasel like animals), birds of prey (eagles and hawks), snakes and the dog - like animals (foxes, wolves and hounds).

Animals with territorial behaviors show?


Do bunnies live in grasslands?

They are not traditional farm animals

How do animals sneeze?

Animals Like Dogs, Cats, Bunnies and More Sneeze Through Their Nose.

What is a sentence using g the word territorial in a sentence?

Solitary animals usually exhibit territorial behavior.

Do bunnies kill each other in the wild?

Yes, bunnies can exhibit aggressive behavior towards each other in the wild, which can sometimes result in injury or death. This behavior is typically seen during territorial disputes or competition for resources.