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Yes, betas can coexist with other fish in the same tank, but it is important to choose tank mates carefully to ensure compatibility and prevent aggression.

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Q: Can betas coexist with other fish in the same tank?
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Can a boy and a girl fighting live in the same bowl?

No, they will still fight unless you are breeding them, (breeding Betas is complicated). However three or four females can coexist quite comfortably. Betas don't fight with other fish, so you can put a male or a female in a community-style tank.

Can Molly fish coexist peacefully with Betta fish in the same tank?

No, Molly fish and Betta fish should not be kept together in the same tank as they have different care requirements and may become aggressive towards each other.

Can you put a black moor in the same tank with a male betta?

no cause betas are territorial creatures and are not supposed to be with any other fish. so Ive heard

Can betta fish coexist with snails in the same tank?

Yes, betta fish can generally coexist with snails in the same tank as long as the tank is large enough and the water parameters are suitable for both species. It is important to monitor the behavior of the betta fish to ensure they do not harm the snails.

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yes because lets saying the beach is a big pond and has tons of the same fish

Can snails coexist with betta fish?

Yes, snails can generally coexist with betta fish in the same tank as long as there is enough space and hiding spots for both species. It is important to monitor the tank conditions and behavior of the fish to ensure they are getting along.

Can you put two betas in the same fish bowl?

You can put 2 females in or a female and a male but never put to males in the same bowl. They will fight.

Can tetra fish coexist peacefully with bettas in the same aquarium?

Tetra fish and bettas may not coexist peacefully in the same aquarium. Bettas are known to be aggressive and may attack tetras, especially if they have long fins. It is recommended to keep them in separate tanks to avoid any potential conflicts.

What is a sentence with coexist?

The two species have learned to coexist peacefully in the same habitat.

How do male Betta fish mark their territory?

Male beta fish are very territorial. Two male beta fish cannot live in the same tank or they will fight. Male betas make bubble nests to mark their territory.

Can there be two male crowntail betas stay in the same tank?

No, male Beta fish should never be put in the same bowl or tank. They are aggressive fighting fish. That's why in the pet store, they are always separated in one bowl. Good Luck!

What types of fish can I safely put in the same tank as my betta fish?

Some types of fish that can safely coexist with betta fish in the same tank are peaceful community fish such as neon tetras, corydoras catfish, and ghost shrimp. It is important to research and choose fish that are compatible with bettas in terms of water parameters and temperament.