To treat an old cat with a tooth abscess, you should take them to a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. The vet may recommend antibiotics, pain medication, and possibly dental surgery to address the abscess. It's important to follow the vet's instructions and provide your cat with any necessary follow-up care to ensure a full recovery.
Normally it is quite difficult for any antibiotic to get to the abscess in an abscessed tooth. The infection is usually somewhere in the root and does not have a good blood supply. If your dentist gave you Bactrim, he probably did not give it to you to treat the abscess, but to treat the infection in the bone below the tooth. The usual way to treat the abscess, is to drill it out. It is not normally just treated with an antibiotic.
my 11 year old have something that looks like an abscess under her tongue on the floor of her mouth what is that?
Because the only evidence of it is fossils that are thousands of years old, and it has never been seen in historical times.
Quinsy is an old-fashioned word for peritonsillar abscess.
Your son has an abscess( infection). You need to get him to a dentist as soon as possible. If the tooth can be saved, the dentist will perform a procedure called a pulpotomy and a crown will be placed on the tooth. You should save this tooth if at all possible. Your son needs this tooth until he is about 6 or 7 years old when it will be replaced by a permanent adult tooth. Besides needing it to chew and for appearances, this tooth holds a place open for the permanent tooth to come in. If this baby tooth is lost prematurely, that part of the dental arch will likely collapse and there will not be enough room for the permanent tooth. To correct this, you son will then require extensive (and expensive) orthodontic treatment. u need to take him u to the dentest my tooth was like that one time and i had to get my baby tooth taken out it hurts a little bit becace they usally give a shot bu u realy need to get that out.from Hannah
I think the tooth fairy is 27
Swelling on one side of a cat's lip could be due to an allergic reaction, injury, or abscess. If it doesn't seem to bother her and there are no other symptoms, you can monitor it. However, if the swelling persists, worsens, or she shows signs of pain or discomfort, it's best to consult with a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Any kind of mouth pain from an unknown cause needs to be evaluated by a qualified dentist. It could be gingivitis, an abscess, autoimmune condition, or an allergy of some kind. It might even be simple tooth decay. See a dentist and let them tell you what it is. Then follow their advice on how to treat it and prevent it from happening again.
A cat's favorite treat depends on her tastes and personality, rather than her age or coloring. Some cats like human foods, like chicken, for a treat; others won't touch it. Even catnip is not a guaranteed treat for a cat. Offer her various treats over time, and watch to see which ones she likes.
A 13 year old cat in cat years is 13 years old... in human years 68 years old.
Oh, dude, Chad Kroeger's cat is probably named something like "Rockstar Whiskers" or "Nickelback Paws." I mean, if you're a rockstar like Chad, even your cat's gotta have a cool name, right? But hey, who knows, maybe it's just plain old "Fluffy" or "Whiskers" like the rest of us mere mortals.
I am 48 years old and I am now getting my fourth wisdom tooth.