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A hairless patch on your cat's skin could be caused by various factors such as Allergies, parasites, infections, or skin conditions like ringworm or mange. It is important to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Q: What could be the cause of a hairless patch on my cat's skin?
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Can all cats cause allergies?

Yes Some People think that the hairless cat called Sphnx won't but all cats have dandruff so they all cause allergeys

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What cat can you get the most allergies from?

If you are allergic to cats, then any cat will do it. The cat least likely to cause problems is the Hairless Cat.

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Hairless cats.

What isa ugly cat look like?

to me its the garfeild cats and the Asian cats (the hairless cats)

What would be a good description of the bread profile relating to a Sphynx?

Sphynx cats are knows to many people as a "hairless cat" which they are. However, there are many other types of hairless cats. Also, not all Sphynx cats are completely hairless, there are different degrees of being hairless. The lack of hair on Sphynx cats is caused by a simple genetic mutation. They usually have hair around their nose and ears.

Are all Sphynx cats hairless?

Not any cat is hairless! They have a thin layer of fuzz you cant see. But yes, if it is a PUREBRED Sphynx cat, it is "hairless"

What cat breeds are non shedding?

Sphinx cat (bald cats) are the only animals I could think of that wouldn't shed ANY hair at all.

Why are sphynx cats hairless?

It's a genetic mutation.

Are sphynx cats completely hairless?

No they have a fuzz that covers their body.

How do hairless cats clean themselves?

Hairless cats clean themselves by licking their skin with their rough tongues, similar to how cats with fur groom themselves. They use their saliva to remove dirt and oils from their skin, keeping themselves clean and healthy.

How are hairless cats popular?

because u dont see them on the road