Usually when a mouse ear gets crusty its because it has an ear infection or a tick (flea)
No, most times it's just dried ear wax which is perfectly normal.
guinea pigs ears should not be might be ear wax? Or it could be ear mites - when my guinea pigs had crust inside their ears and i took them to the vet for other reasons- the vet said it was ear mites- Use a cotton swab moist with warm water to clean them out
Feline Miliary Dermatitis may cause crusty scabs and tiny bumps on the head, back, and neck of cats. It is a skin ailment caused by an allergic reaction to bites from fleas, lice, and mites.
Yes, ear mites can cause hair loss in cats.
it is but it kinda depends on wear it is, if its in the cats ear, you have to be realy careful about cleaning it (if its in the ear use a cotton swab)
A cat has 27 bones in each ear.
No, its cats who have 32 muscles in each ear, not humans.
you cna try washing it every night and it will go back to normal after 2 weeks
A cat's ear canal is the tube that connects the outer ear to the eardrum. It is where sound waves travel through to reach the middle and inner ear, allowing the cat to hear. The ear canal in cats is relatively long and can be prone to infections or wax buildup.
To prevent ear infections in cats, regularly clean their ears, check for signs of infection, and consult a veterinarian for proper care and treatment.