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Dogs may lick their feet due to Allergies, skin irritation, or boredom. It could also be a sign of anxiety or a habit. If the licking is excessive or causing harm, it's best to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Q: Why does my dog keep licking her feet?
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Does your dog have a habit of licking feet?

Yes, my dog has a habit of licking feet.

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My little Yorkie has skin allergies, the vet told me that she is licking at her feet, at the air, at nothing because she itches. Hope this helps. Elle

Why does my dog keep licking his feet?

There are several reasons why a dog may lick its feet, including allergies, skin irritation, pain, or anxiety. It is best to consult with a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment for your dog.

Why your dog stop licking my feet?

Maybe the dog ate all of the peanut butter.

How do you keep your dog from licking the site where he was neutered?

Put a neck collar on the dog.

Why does my dog keep licking its paw?

Your dog may be licking its paw due to irritation, injury, allergies, or anxiety. It is important to observe the behavior and consult a veterinarian if the licking persists or causes concern.

Why does a dog keep licking his paws?

A dog may keep licking his paws due to allergies, skin irritation, pain, or anxiety. It is important to consult a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

Why does intact male dog keep licking other intact male dog?

Feels good, man.

Why does your dog keep licking its puppies?

eemmm inapropriate language there are kids on this website :(

Is there anything in the house you can use to keep your dog from licking her hot spot?


Why is your dog licking the base boards?

my dog personally doesnt like liking the base boards but yours might, many dogs like licking certain thins. my dog likes feet and your dog might like base boards.

Why does my dog keep licking my feet?

Dogs may lick feet as a sign of affection, to show submission, or because they like the taste of sweat or lotion on your skin. It could also be a way for them to seek attention or comfort.