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they use more natural raw materials. because made many things from natural raw materials

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Earlier civilizations primarily used natural raw materials for their daily needs, such as stone, wood, clay, and animal hide. As civilizations progressed, they began to incorporate more man-made materials, such as metals, glass, and various alloys, into their technologies and artifacts. However, natural materials continued to play a significant role in early civilizations due to their abundance and accessibility.

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Q: Did people from earlier civilizations use more natural or more man made raw materials?
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What is a natural object found in artifacts?

A natural object found in artifacts could be something like a shell, bone, or feather that was used for various purposes by ancient civilizations, such as tools, jewelry, or decoration. These objects provide insight into the natural resources available to people in the past and how they were creatively used in their daily lives.

How did primitive people adapt to alaska?

Primitive people adapted to Alaska's harsh environment by developing techniques for hunting, fishing, and gathering food. They also built shelters using natural materials and developed clothing to protect themselves from the cold. Additionally, they developed social structures and traditions that helped them survive in that challenging environment.

What other needs did Tlachi's people have because of there environment How might they have addressed these needs?

Tlachi's people may have had needs related to food, shelter, and protection from natural elements due to their environment. They could have addressed these needs by utilizing local resources such as hunting and gathering for food, constructing sturdy shelters using natural materials, and developing clothing and tools suitable for the climate. Additionally, they might have established communal systems for sharing resources and knowledge to sustain their community.

What skills did the khoisan people have?

The Khoisan people had skills in hunting, gathering, tracking, and survival in the harsh environments of southern Africa. They were skilled in using traditional weapons like bows and arrows, as well as in making tools and clothing from natural materials. Additionally, they had extensive knowledge of the plant and animal life in their surroundings.

How did people keep warm before fire was discovered?

Before fire was discovered, early humans likely relied on body heat by huddling together in groups and using animal hides or natural materials to cover themselves. They may have also sought out warm caves or rock shelters to stay protected from the elements. Over time, innovative techniques such as using layers of clothing or insulating materials would have been developed to help regulate body temperature.

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What are materials from earth that people use known as?

Materials people use from the earth are called natural resources.

Was the first trumpet gold or silver?

The earliest known trumpets are silver and bronze. Some people think that earlier trumpet-like devices may have been made out of wood or other natural materials.

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Civilizations start where people congregate. Early humans were nomadic, and they tended to congregate in places of rich natural resources such as the fertile crescent.

Materials that are found on earth and used by people?

Natural resources

What are Materials found in earth people need and value?

Natural Resources

How can people reduce their risk from natural hazards?

by conserving the natural resources and using all the materials in a correct way

A material on earth that is necessary or useful to people is?

Such materials are known as "natural resources".

What are some natural materials one can use for drain cleaning?

There are several natural materials one can use for drain cleaning. Some very efficient materials some people use are Borax, lactic acid, and a lye-based drain cleaner.

Why do people prefer natural fibers than synthetic fibers?

Many people believe that synthetic fibers are merely an inferior imitation of natural fibers. This is part of a general belief that the products of nature are always superior to the products of human artifice. It is true that people, in their search for profit, often do sell shoddy products, but it is not necessarily true that artificial materials can never be as good as natural materials for a given purpose.

What are materials that are found in nature and are used by living things?

A natural resource is something found in nature that people can use.

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