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you swallow food and it goes down it

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6d ago

The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the throat to the stomach. When you swallow, muscles in the esophagus contract to push food down towards the stomach through a series of coordinated muscle movements called peristalsis. The esophageal sphincter at the lower end of the esophagus opens to allow food to enter the stomach and then closes to prevent backflow.

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What slave work did the tainos do?

The Tainos were forced to work on Spanish plantations in the Caribbean, primarily in agriculture such as growing crops like sugarcane, cassava, and tobacco. They were also made to work in mines and as laborers in construction projects for the Spanish colonizers.

What is indigenous social work?

Indigenous social work is a practice that centers on the well-being and self-determination of Indigenous peoples. It incorporates traditional cultural beliefs, values, and practices into social work interventions to address the unique challenges and strengths of Indigenous communities. Indigenous social work seeks to empower individuals and families by honoring their cultural identities and promoting holistic healing.

What is the average amount of hours a forensic anthropologist work?

Forensic anthropologists typically work a standard 40-hour workweek. However, they may be required to work additional hours, including weekends and holidays, in cases of emergencies or when dealing with high caseloads.

Where nutritional anthropologists work?

Nutritional anthropologists work in academic institutions, government agencies, research organizations, and non-profit organizations. They may also work in community settings, hospitals, and public health programs, studying the relationship between food, nutrition, and culture in different populations around the world.

What are the similarities of enslaved Africans and Indentured servants?

Both enslaved Africans and indentured servants were forced to work for others without pay, often under harsh conditions. They both lacked freedom and autonomy over their lives, with their labor being exploited for the benefit of others.

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What other organs work with the esophagus?

Just a lucky guess.. The answer to "what other organ work with the esophagus?" is.. The "male organ?"

What system of the body does esophagus work with?

digestive system

How does esophagus work with other systems?

The esophagus works with other systems of the body by transporting food down to the stomach so it can be digested.

How does the esophagus work with the brain?

The esophagus and brain work together when you swallow and move your food to your stomach. Did you realize that you do that with a coordinated effort of your nervous system, digestive system, and muscular system? Probably not because it happens automatically. After you swallow a reflex mechanism takes over and the smooth muscles in your esophagus move the food down with peristaltic contractions.

How do the esophagus work with other organs?

The esophagus works with other organs by bringing the food down to the throat and to the stomach. From the stomach to the intestine's, and through the Colan and thats the process! I hope it helped.

How do you make yourself vomit to get off work or leave work?

Making yourself vomit is harmful. It damages the muscles of your esophagus and the stomach acid you throw up also harms the esophagus. Smart people don't make themselves throw up.

How do you make a sentence with esophagus?

I can give you several sentences.The esophagus leads to the stomach.His esophagus had an ulcer.Stomach acid can splash into the esophagus.

How do the digestive muscular and skeletal system work together to breakdown food?

The smooth muscles of the muscular system can be found in the esophagus. The esophagus pushes food down into the stomach where further digestion begins.

The muscular tube that leads from the mouth is the?

From the mouth to the stomach is the esophagus.

Do humans have esophagus?

Yes, they have an esophagus.

How do you say esophagus in Chinese?


Passageway for food that is behind the trachea?

The esophagus is the tube from pharynx to stomach.