Making yourself vomit is harmful. It damages the muscles of your esophagus and the stomach acid you throw up also harms the esophagus. Smart people don't make themselves throw up.
so are you asking how to make yourself puke? You have to keep putting your finger down your throat and after about 5 minutes it will work as it gets more intense. and once you vomit, it comes more easier, every time 8-) And it also helps when you start gagging to keep your gagger in your mouth so you almost swallow it, more comes out if you do that.
i think your gay so leave this page and kill yourself
Go work there, you will make them leave.
You leave and do work.
Work it out yourself.
Leave, then empty the bank.
you do it with hard work
If you want to stop thinking that you need to make sure you trust her. If you are insecure about yourself and the relationship you will always have doubts. So work on building a strong and honest relationship and all doubts should leave your mind.
Try and know why he wants to leave. If the problem is from you, promise to change and work on yourself.
That's a big no
Bleach or vinegar would probably work.
it ain't