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I believe it is Beryllium (Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Strontium (Sr), Barium (Ba)

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Q: Alkaline earth metals in order of their chemical reactivity?
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Are alkaline earth metals found in nature?

Alkaline earth metals are found in nature only in mineral or compound forms, due to their high reactivity.

Where does the term alkaline earth metals come from?

The alkaline earth metals come from the place that is described in their name: earth. They occur naturally in different types of earth.

How does the reactivity of an alkaline earth metal compare with that of alkali metal in the same period?

The alkali metals are more reactive.

What is group 2A elements known as?

Alkaline Earth Metals

Elements in group 2 are called?

Group 2 elements in the periodic table are the alkaline earth metals.

One way to demonstrate reactivity among the alkaline earth metals Group 2A is to observe what happens when they are placed in?


Why is Potassium an Alkaline Earth Metal?

Potassium is not an alkaline earth metal, it is an alkali metal. The metals in the leftmost column of the periodic table. They are noted for their high reactivity and for the fact that most of their compounds are basic.

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What chemical group is beryllium in?

It's in Group 2, the alkaline earth metals

What is the chemical family of elements that contains the second group of or most reactive metals?

These metals are called alkaline earth metals.

Which are products of the alkaline and earth alkaline metals combustion?

Alkaline metals and alkaline earth metals form their oxides when burnt. These oxides are base.

What is the first element of the alkaline earth metals?

Beryllium is the first element in the alkaline earth metals.