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Q: Are arteries supplying the same territory are often merged with one another forming arterial anastomoses?
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What is the difference between an anatomic end artery and a functional end artery?

anatomic end arteries are vessels whose terminal branches donot anastomose with branches of arteries supplying adjacent areas . Functional end arteries are vessels whose terminal branches do anastomose with those of adjacent arteries , but the caliber of anastomoses is insufficient to keep the tissue alive should one of the arteries become occluded .

Pertaining to the arteries?


What is the function of anastomoses?

Anastomosis is the anatomical reconnection of two tubular organs, such as the intestine.

What system is the arteries?

arterial system.

What does arterial mean as in arterial o2 saturations?

Arterial is a reference to the blood in the arteries, as opposed to blood in the veins.

What are the arteries supplying blood to the heart called?

coronary arteries

Do the arteries that carry blood from the heart to the lungs contain arterial or venous blood?


Arterial blood where is it found?

In the arteries and arterioles.

Where is the radical arteries found?

Radical arteries can be found supplying your spinal cord.

What is the smallest branch of arteries?

The answer is the arteriole

What is arterial stiffness?

Arterial stiffness is a general term for the elasticity (or compliance) of the arteries. The hardening or stiffening of the arteries is called arteriosclerosis. The stiffness of arteries influences how hard the heart has to work to pump blood through the body.

Is Peripheral vascular disease arterial?

Both veins and arteries may be affected, but the disease is usually arterial