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Earthquakes happen when a rock face along the fault line gives way or grinds against the other side. These are not boundaries such as convergent or divergen boundaries but are generally known as transform faults or just faults.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Convergent plate boundary, (Pacific ring of fire). Divergent plate boundary, (Mid-Atlantic ridge). Transform/Conservative plate boundary, (San-Andreas fault).

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11y ago

Divergent- The place where2 plates move apart.

Convergent- The place where 2 plates come together.

Transform- The place where 2 plates slip past each other.

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14y ago

Earthquakes occur mostly at transform boundaries, where the two plates slide across each other.

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Related questions

What plate boundary do earthquakes occur?

Earthquakes occur at all plate boundaries.

Are earthquakes divergent convergent or transform?

Earthquakes occur at all three types of plate boundary.

Do earthquakes most often occur at faults that are away from plate boundary?

Earthquakes infrequently occur away from plate boundaries. Most earthquakes occur at plate boundaries because of the stress caused by the interacting plates.

What type of plate boundary do most earthquakes occur near to or along?

they occur at transform boundaries

What type of plate boundary are most earthquakes found at?

All three type of Earthquakes (Shallow-seated, Medium-seated and Deep-seated) occur only at the Convergent plate boundary. At divergent plate boundary we find mostly Shallow-seated Earthquakes only.

What happens to plates at a transform plate boundary?

earthquakes occur where there are transformed boundaries.

Which plate earthquakes occur at?

Earthquakes can occur anywhere on Earth but large ones are more common at destructive plate bookbinderies.

What is the least dangerous plate boundary?

According to scientific studies, the least dangerous plate boundary is the divergent boundary. Only moderate earthquakes occur in this type of boundary compared to convergent and transform plate boundaries.

Do most earthquakes and volcanoes occur within plates or along the boundaries of plates?

Earthquakes and volcanoes occur mostly near the convergent plate boundary.

What kind of boundaries can cause earthquakes and volcanoes?

Earthquakes can occur at any type of plate boundary, but the most powerful earthquakes tend to occur at convergent boundaries and at transform boundaries.

Where in the earth do the most Earthquakes occur?

on the tectonic plate margins.

How many plates are in earth that causes quakes?

All of the earth's tectonic plates have the potential to shift and cause an earthquake. However most of the time they only have the potential and some are more likely to shift than others.