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No. That is not a symptom of RA. Severe abdominal pain on your right side could be many things and could also be serious and should be checked by a physician ASAP!

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Q: Can Rheumatoid Arthritis cause severe abdominal pain on your right side?
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Would severe Rheumatoid arthritis cause pain in low back area?

You can get arthritis in any joint, including the backbone, yes.

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They don't as far as we know, The cause Of rheumatoid arthritis is still not known.

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rheumatoid arthritis can cause inflammation in the muscles of the heart and can do the the same in the lining of the lungs leading to pleurisy. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis crop up in several places in the body at at the same time.

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No Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in its own right and is not a reaction to TB.

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No. However rhuematoid arthritis can cause heart damage.

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Can rheumatoid arthiritis cause drop foot?

Rheumatoid Vasculitis (RV) is one of the unusual complication of longstanding, severe rheumatoid arthritis. The active vasculitis associated with rheumatoid disease occurs in about 1% of this patient population. Nerve damage can cause foot or wrist drop, "mononeuritis multiplex".

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It is more like the other way around Rheumatoid arthritis is one of a considerable number of disease that can cause thrombocytosis.

Can Rheumatoid Arthritis cause a Monoclonal Spike or MGUS?

Yes, and some doctors misdiagnose Rheumatoid Arthritis as Multiple Myeloma!