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As a general rule the answer is no. Collection agencies will report this to the credit bureau as being settled for less than what was due, which can have a negative impact on your credit report. While paying this money could seem like an effort to repair your credit, it actually can damage it.

A situation like this often results from a debt being old and about to fall off of your credit report. If you pay the money to the collection agency then it will stamp a record of such payment for an amount less than the amount originally due. The worst part is that such a record will stay in your credit file for another seven years from the day the payment was received! If you don't make the payment the negative report resulting from that will probably fall off of your credit report much sooner.

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Q: Can a paid settlement to the collection agency be reported as paid as agreed?
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How do you pay a collection account?

Have the collection agency send a written agreement accepting the settlement or payment amount agreed upon BEFORE rendering any payment(s).

If you offer to pay a lessor amount on a hospital bill then was previously agreed upon can they still send the account to a collection agency?

Yes. You have a legal contract to pay the agreed upon amount. If they did not accept your latest offer, they can send the bill to a collection agency.

If you are making sporadic payments to a collection agency and they cash them can they still sue the cosigner?

Unless you have a specific repayment plan that the collection agency agreed to, there is no legal reason that cannot sue the cosigner.

If something has been sent to collection can the collection agency charge you interest?

If the original creditor charged interest then the collection agency will continue to accrue interest at either your states legal rate or whatever you agreed to in the original contract until the debt is either paid or sold to another collection agency or placed with an attorneys firm for legal litigation.

Can a collection agency pull more money out of your account than you agreed upon?

Not legally, no. Call them and demand they replace your funds.

Is it possible for the colletion agency to restore my credit rating after negotiating for less than amount owed?

Collection agencies cannot restore your credit rating, all they can do is report if the debt was paid, or if a settlement was agreed upon. The credit reporting agencies are who you need to contact in order to get your credit rating restored, such as Experian and Equifax.

What should you do if you received a bill from a collection agency but you and your doctor had negotiated a different price but you don't have it in writing?

Write your doctor and try to get the terms in a letter (that would remediate the proof issue that you raised). If the doctor is honest and this is truly your agreement with him/her, that should get the collection agency to stop calling, unless they are calling you for a portion of the unpaid, agreed-upon balance.

Can a collection agency charge interest on an account they bought and do you have to pay them since you never entered into a contract with them?

Sorry but yes they can. In the original contract there was a clause about what actions could be taken if you defaulted on the agreement and one of those actions is that the account could be turned over to a collection agency. So, even though you didn't directly enter into a contract with the collection agency you agreed to abide by the contract and the collection agency now legally owns the contract. It works the same way as when you purchase a house. At some point the original lender on a house may sell the contract and you will be paying a different lender.

When should you use a collection agency?

Once the account reaches the stage of being fully provided, the collections activity is designated as Recoveries. This is a Hard core delinquency stage wherein the collection efforts are of a more intense nature as compared to the earlier stages. The Hard Core Collector will try to trace the customer and ensure full settlement of outstanding. If the customer is unable to settle the outstanding, the collector will ensure that a settlement plan or discount strategy (as per the agreed guidelines) is offered to the customers. In case the customer does not agree to pay inspite of all these collections efforts then a legal case needs to be been filed against the customer . The collectors officer may also choose to assign the case to the collection agency for follow up. Once the account reaches the stage of being fully provided, the collections activity is designated as Recoveries. This is a Hard core delinquency stage wherein the collection efforts are of a more intense nature as compared to the earlier stages. The Hard Core Collector will try to trace the customer and ensure full settlement of outstanding. If the customer is unable to settle the outstanding, the collector will ensure that a settlement plan or discount strategy (as per the agreed guidelines) is offered to the customers. In case the customer does not agree to pay inspite of all these collections efforts then a legal case needs to be been filed against the customer . The collectors officer may also choose to assign the case to the collection agency for follow up.

If a collection agency says that your credit company will file a claim if you do not pay two full settlement payments will they really file the claim if you can only send most of the payment?

== == It costs the credit company a small fee to sue you for the debts in court. I would advise you to TALK to the collection company and WORK out a deal, and get it in writing, so both sides are clear about the details, then pay as you have agreed to, until the debt is paid off. I collect debts for a living and the best advice I can give you is to talk, not hide.

Can a collection agency reject a payment from you if it is less than the payment for the settlement they asked for?

Yes, a creditor/collector has no legal obligation to accept payment for anything other than the agreed upon amount. The same premise applies to making less than the minimum payment on credit accounts as well, such action would render the agreement null and void and the creditor can legally demand payment in full.

how long does it take to recieve a settlement. when you decide to settle a autoaccident.?

A payment time frame should have been agreed to in the settlement papers.