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my advice is not to eat one but anything can be eaten even if not edible but dont because i heard if you eat them my fellow woman it can catch a diesease

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Q: Can blue lobsters be eaten
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Fungi is eaten by fish and crustaceans like crabs and lobsters.

Which animal as a blue blood?

Some crabs and lobsters.

What metal makes a lobsters blood blue?


Does humans live forever?

no they don't but jellyfish and lobsters do unless they got killed or eaten😩

How is it heplful to lobsters to be red?

Actually Lobsters come in a variety of colors including, but not limited to, red, blue, green, purple, and yellow.

What is any of various edible decapod crustaceans?

Crayfish (crawdads), crabs, lobsters, and shrimp are among the more familiar edible decapods. Other decapods that are frequently eaten although not well-recognized are squat lobsters, spiny lobsters, slipper lobsters, and king crabs; these are often sold as "lobster" or "crab" although they are not lobsters or crabs. Krill, small shrimp-like decapods, are eaten in Russia and Japan. There are estimated to be between 150 million and 750 million TONS of krill in the waters around Antarctica.

What color are lobsters?

There are many different kind of lobsters around the world. The color of lobsters is dependent on where they live and what they eat. Lobsters can be blue, red, yellow, yellow calico, two-toned, and black.

What do blue lobsters eat?

The copper in their blood gives their blood a bluish tint. It is much like how iron in our blood causes our blood to be red. Haemoglobin is a red pigment in blood that makes the blood red when it comes out into oxygen (that why when we bleed, our blood is red.) some animals do not have haemoglobin in blood, for example LOBSTERS! So this is why their blood is blue.

Do blue lobsters live in fresh or salt water?

The American Blue Lobster is a marine species from the Atlantic Ocean.

Do sea creatures have blue blood?

Not necessarily. Crustaceans such as lobsters have blue blood. But vertebrates such as fish and whales have red blood.

Can a blue mussel be eaten by a periwinkle?

No a blue mussel can not be eaten by a periwinkle because periwinkle's only eat algae or they go with out food.

Which british blue cheese eaten at Christmas?

Stilton blue cheese.