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As an example:

We can see how 40 years ago we used to dream of having computers playing chess with us. Apart from the Deep Blue chess playing computer developed by IBM today my mobile has a Chess game with "Expert CPU Level".

So, as more and more powerful computers and intelligent algorithms are developed its inevitable that Artificial Intelligence will surpass human intelligence.

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12y ago

That is a hard one to answer.

As for A.I. taking over the world in this day and age, don't even worry about it. We're going to have to learn ALOT more about the human brain and its massively rapid and complex processing properties before we can come even close to imprinting that on microchips.

Even if we had the technology today to create a cybernetic or even organic processor like our brain (which, as far as I know, we don't), there is also the necessary ingredient for 'taking over the planet' that would be left out and that is the WILL to do so.

The only instance where something Terminator-like could possibly happen is if:

1) we have the cybernetic advances in technology to build brains that powerful

2) we build systems with self-preservation routines that outweighed the importance of human life preservation.

3) we built in the ability to learn not only empirically but instill real sensory comprehension. A computer needs to be "aware" that there is something other than circuitry and vague impulses from translated data in the greater universe.

There are also other factors but the 3 above are the root of the others. More so, to expand on point 3, our world would only be perceived as a platform for their communications grid. Very unlike how we see it, it has no real-estate value to computers except where it supports their means of communication.

In plainer words, there would be no interest in an advanced A.I. super cyberorganism to go all terminator on us unless it perceived us as a threat to that communications grid.

In that case, we'd pull the plug. Yes! I said pull the plug...

It's nice fiction to say that supercomputers could propagate themselves all over the planet into toasters and light bulbs but that's for the movies. Reality is that Einstein's thought process, knowledge and brilliance couldn't be transferred into a pigeon's brain and neither can hyper complex routines and data banks be transferred into a pocket calculator. This means that an advanced AI could only copy itself in a hardware framework identical or better than its own. Let's just say that the computer would be quite alot more than a Macbook or Thinkpad... That's really easy to pull the plug on very early in the world domination process as only one, perhaps two of these computers would exist...

And to suppose that the entire planet could act as a giant brain with every computer acting as a neuron is equally laughable. Not only would it become the slowest "brain" on the planet due to distance between the nodes but also the most vulnerable to attack.

Ask this question again in 100 years and the answer may be very different but the straight answer right now is "not in your lifetime..."

Don't lose any sleep over red-eyed skeletal robots invading your city ;)

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Q: Could artificial intelligence take us over?
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What is Semantic Network in Artificial Intelligence?

If we take numerous concepts and relate them to each other on the basis of some meaningful relationship within a network.The network thus formed is the Semantic Network in Artificial Intelligence.

What is the impact of Artificial intelligence on society?

A.I. will take over our low end jobs. Instead of paying the cashier, you pay the machine. Soon machines and A.I. will be so developed that it will take over most of the jobs you don't need a college degree to have. It probably wouldn't be a huge sifi robots taking over the world deal, just robotic helpers.

Conclusion for artificial intelligence?

artificial intelligence is a branch of science which deals with the helping of machines find solutions to complex problems... or... the study ofand design of intelligent agent and the engineering of making intelligent machines..

What benefits does business intelligence with artificial intelligence provide or promises for businesses?

Artificial Intelligence is a great source of prediction system. Take the case of AI being used in Stock Market where it deals with a wide domains of corpus and using neural network predictions are made. Using AI in large business is inevitable today since a great deal of capital is at stake and having a prediction system is well worth.

Who Was the first successful person to demonstration of artificial intelligence?

John McCarthy, a fundamental figure in artificial intelligence in e-commerce, has died at the age of 84. McCarthy coined the term "artificial intelligence" and spent most of his career at Stanford as a towering figure in computer science. Theoretical research. Alan Mathison Turing, a British logician, and computer pioneer did the first important work on the subject of artificial intelligence in the mid-20th century.

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A.I. refers to Artificial Intelligence. You would use this as an improper noun. Example: The A.I. easily won a game of chess while plotting to take over the world.

Is artificial intelligence a good idea?

Some love artificial intelligence because they think it will make their life easier for the-- which is true but there are disadvantages as well. Suppose the fact that these things will only be machines and they will not always listen to command especially if they are programed as a complete human. Some hate the very idea of A.I. because they have problems with the fact that the robots might 'take over the word' or the fact that the robots will take our jobs and we will be left money-less.

6 Ways How Artificial Intelligence will change the Future?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making waves in the technology industry for several years now. With advancements in machine learning and deep learning, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE has become increasingly capable of performing complex tasks and making decisions that were once reserved for human intelligence. As a result, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is poised to change the future in numerous ways, revolutionizing industries and transforming the way we live, work, and interact with each other. 1 - One of the most significant ways ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE will change the future is by automating jobs. Already, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is being used to automate routine and repetitive tasks, such as data entry, customer service, and manufacturing. As ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE becomes more advanced, it will be able to take on increasingly complex tasks, such as analyzing data and making decisions based on that analysis. This will free up humans to focus on more creative and strategic work, ultimately leading to greater productivity and innovation. 2 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE will also change the future of healthcare. With the ability to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns that may be invisible to humans, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE has the potential to improve disease detection, diagnosis, and treatment. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-powered medical devices and applications can also help individuals monitor their health and receive personalized care, ultimately leading to better outcomes and more efficient use of resources. 3 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE will play a key role in the future of transportation. Self-driving cars are already being tested on roads around the world, and as the technology continues to improve, they will become increasingly common. Not only will this reduce the risk of accidents caused by human error, but it will also make transportation more efficient and accessible to all. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-powered traffic management systems can also help to reduce congestion and improve the flow of traffic. 4 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE will also change the way we interact with technology. With natural language processing and computer vision, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE will enable more intuitive and natural interactions with devices, such as voice-activated assistants and augmented reality applications. This will make technology more accessible to all, regardless of their level of technical expertise. 5 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE will change the future of education. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-powered tools can help to personalize learning, providing students with tailored feedback and recommendations based on their individual strengths and weaknesses. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE can also help to identify areas where students may be struggling and provide additional support, ultimately leading to better learning outcomes. 6 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE With all of these potential benefits come significant challenges and potential risks. One of the biggest challenges will be ensuring that the benefits of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE are distributed fairly and equitably. As ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE becomes more advanced, there is a risk that it will exacerbate existing inequalities, such as by automating jobs that are predominantly held by lower-income individuals. To avoid this, it will be important to develop policies and regulations that ensure that the benefits of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE are shared broadly. In conclusion, artificial intelligence is poised to change the future in numerous ways, transforming industries and revolutionizing the way we live, work, and interact with each other. From automating jobs to improving healthcare, transportation, and education, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE has the potential to bring about significant benefits. However, it is important to address the challenges and risks associated with ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, such as ensuring that its benefits are distributed fairly and equitably and that it is developed and used in an ethical manner. By doing so, we can ensure that ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE contributes to a better future for all.

What is the impact of Artificial intelligence on society?

A.I. will take over our low end jobs. Instead of paying the cashier, you pay the machine. Soon machines and A.I. will be so developed that it will take over most of the jobs you don't need a college degree to have. It probably wouldn't be a huge sifi robots taking over the world deal, just robotic helpers.

Will The robots take over?

:) No I don't think that the robots will take over in 2011! They might take over in 5562! :) If robots have (?)pure(?) intelligence such as Humans, then they may wish to take over.

Where does the voice take place?

The voice takes place in a virtual environment and is generated by artificial intelligence algorithms. It does not have a physical location like a traditional human voice.

Will robots take over the world and force humans to worship lettuce?

While futures consisting of dominance by artificial intelligence are often explored by computer scientists and fiction authors alike, the odds of lettuce being the worshiped thing are exceedingly slim.

Conclusion for artificial intelligence?

artificial intelligence is a branch of science which deals with the helping of machines find solutions to complex problems... or... the study ofand design of intelligent agent and the engineering of making intelligent machines..

What benefits does business intelligence with artificial intelligence provide or promises for businesses?

Artificial Intelligence is a great source of prediction system. Take the case of AI being used in Stock Market where it deals with a wide domains of corpus and using neural network predictions are made. Using AI in large business is inevitable today since a great deal of capital is at stake and having a prediction system is well worth.

What are the two potential effect of artificial intelligence in technologies?

The potential effects of artificial intelligence (AI) in technology are numerous and diverse. Two potential effects are: Increased efficiency and productivity: AI can automate repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing humans to focus on more complex and creative work. This can lead to increased efficiency and productivity in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and finance. Disruption and job displacement: AI has the potential to disrupt entire industries by replacing human workers with machines. This could lead to job displacement and unemployment, particularly for workers in low-skilled and routine-based jobs. However, AI may also create new job opportunities in areas such as data science, AI development, and maintenance. For more relevant and Detailed information visit our site for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.