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As Artemis Entreri himself breaks Idalia's Flute and states to Jarlaxle "Artemis Entreri is dead."- No, he does not.

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Q: Does Artemis entreri get killed
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Who killed the Greek goddess Artemis?

Artemis the goddess was never killed. She was an immortal goddess.

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There are none now, the foes of Artemis were killed by her.

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Most likely Artemis killed her with her arrows. Artemis killed Chione because she became too vain after an affair with Apollo.

Whose seven sons were slain by Artemis?

Apollo killed the seven sons of Amphion and Niobe. Artemis killed the daughters.

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Is niobe and Artemis a myth?

Yes, it is a myth where Artemis killed the girl children (and Apollo the boys) of Niobe.

Did the goddesses Artemis killed willdernes from people?

I do not understand your wording, but yes Artemis both killed people and killed animals - not always within the wilderness, but for insult given to her - and mountain wilderness was where she lived and roamed.

Who did Artemis battle?

Artemis the goddess attempted to battle Hera, the Queen of Heaven, during the Trojan War, which resulted with Artemis getting her ears boxed by Hera.

Artemis killed the seven daughters of which greek?

Niobe and Amphion.

What did Artemis' poison bow do?

It was poison arrows, and they killed mortals.