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some people get benefits from magnets or acupuncture, however there is limited evidence to support this

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Q: How can you get relief from arthritis without using over the counter medicine or medicine prescribed by the doctor.?
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Can a ct scan without contrast show arthritis in the jaw?

It can

What is glucosamine and what is it used for?

Glucosamine is one of the factors that make up cartilage. According to its manufacturers it is helpful in restoring damaged cartilage, and reduces arthritic pain. It is one of the most popular arthritis treatments sold over the counter without prescription.

How can you differentiate pyogenic arthritis from Oestoarthritis?

The term "suppurative arthritis" is a near synonym for septic arthritis. ("Suppurative" refers to the production of pus, without necessarily implying sepsis.)ICD-10 uses the term "pyogenic arthritis". Pyogenic also refers to the production of pus.Reactive arthritis refers to arthritis caused by an immune consequence of an infection, but not directly attributable to the infection itself.The usual etiology of septic arthritis is bacterial, but viral, mycobacterial, and fungal arthritis occur occasionally. A broader term is "infectious arthritis", which describes arthritis caused by any infectious organism. Viruses can cause arthritis, but it can be hard to determine if the arthritis is directly due to the virus or if the arthritis is reactive.Septic/suppurative arthritis and "bacterial arthritis" are sometimes considered equivalent, but there are exceptions. For example, Borrelia burgdorferi can cause infectious arthritis, but is not associated with suppurative arthritis. (Source wikipedia)Osteoarthritis does not involve the production of puss at the site of the effected joint or joints.

Do you have arthritis?

Are your joints always hurting? Does your blood sugar glucose go down easier? Do your joints sometimes get inflammed and bruise without even hurting it? If these symptoms don't go away in about a month or two, you should get tested for arthritis. It will also depend on what type of arthritis you have. They will probably do a blood test and then an x ray of the joints that hurt.The most common is idiopathic arthritis, which nobody is sure of why it happens or caused. The second most common is rhumetoid arthritis. This is found in children and young teens mostly(Juvenile Rhumetoid arthritis (JRA), but also adults. This is different because unlike idiopathic, rhumetoid arthritis is caused by the immune system fighting off tissue that make the joints swell and hurt ALOT!!!

What organs do arthritis affect?

There are over a hundred form of arthritis and while they mainly reputed to have an effect on the joints of the body there are forms of arthritis that can have harmful effects on many other parts of the body including the skin, heart, blood vessels, lungs, eyes, brain, etc this is usually more prevalent in inflammatory forms of arthritis which are autoimmune diseases. Gouty arthritis. is a disease that is the result of too much uric acid in the blood leading to deposits of acid crystals being deposited in joints the kidney and some other parts of the body

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Should I change a medicine that I've been taking for 5 years because it suddenly seems to not work?

You should not change a prescribed medicine without talking to your doctor. If is an over the counter (OTC) medicine NOT suggested by your doctor, then yes.

What arthritis supplements are available without a prescription?

Arthritis does not have an actual supplement to take. To decrease the pain, you can take ibuprofen or other pain medications from over the counter.

How do purchasing over-the-counter medicine and prescription differ?

Over the counter are drugs that can be obtainedley any without a doctors Prescription medicine can be legally purchased only when older by a doctor.

Is Lexapro illegal to have without prescription?

Yes, it definitely is. Any prescribed medicine is. Hope this was helpful.

How much is topamax without insurance?

I was prescribed this medicine once.It cost me $300 DOLLARS! Too expensive!

What is non prescribed medication?

That which is purchased by the consumer without a doctor's prescription ... or more commonly called "Over the counter" medications.

What meds help with arthritis?

There are several drugs for arthritis ranging from aspirin to injectable medications. Please refer to your primary care Dr. or a rheumatoligist. You should not take any medicine without consulting your Dr. It also depends on what kind you have and the severity.

What is the perfect age of child to stop medicine of epilepcy?

Medications must only be withdrawn by the doctor who prescribed it originally. To stop giving prescribed meds. without a doctors consent could be dangerous or harmful.

What is the over-the-counter drug?

An over-the-counter drug is one that is available without a prescription.

Is over the counter is a collective noun?

No, the term 'over the counter' is not a noun at all.The term 'over the counter' is a compound adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The adjective 'over the counter' is used to describe medicine that can be purchased without a prescription or stocks not transacted through an organized securities exchange.

What are the over the counter drugs that may cause miscarriage?

You should never take medicine when you are pregnant without asking your doctor first. That goes for medicine with or without prescription. If you are asking on how to abort, you have to go to a doctor. Anything else is illegal and unsafe, The pills used in a medical abortion is on prescription.

What is legal medicine?

Whether or not a medication is legal is specifically dependent upon the person and whether or not they have been prescribed a specific medication. Over the counter medications are legal for all people, however prescription medications are only legal when they are in the possession of the person to whom they were prescribed (on the bottle). Some medications found in one's possession can hold rather serious charges if they are not prescribed. For example, amphetamines (Concerta, Ritalin, Adderall, Amphetamine Sulfate, etc.) and opiates (Morphine, Suboxone, Oxycotton, etc.) carry especially nasty charges when found in possession of someone without a prescription.