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The first successful commercial movies were mostly two-realers of slapstick comedy. The performers, Chaplin, Stan Laurel, etc. all had music hall experience to draw on.

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Q: How did music hall influence the development of silent movie?
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What is meant by the phrase movies for the silent screen?

These are silent films, most made before the invention of talkies. Mel Brooks made a silent film called "Silent Movie" in 1976. His did have a sound track. In the early days of cinema, movie music was played live.

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Raja Harish Chandra was the 1st movie. However it was a silent movie. It did not had any sound or music in it.

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You can find information on silent movie pianist Lottie Barnes by checking archives of silent movie theaters, historical documents, or specialized libraries or museums dedicated to silent films or music history. Online databases, biographies, or scholarly articles may also provide information on her career and contributions to the world of silent films.

What is the silent consonant in the word music?

There is no silent consonant in the word "music".

Facts about silent movies?

So silent movies are well a SILENT MOVIE!! silent movies use music and comedy to make you laugh. They don't use speech, just funny movements. Charlie Chaplin was one of the most well known silent movie characters in the world but just before the World War I he suddenly became forgotten.

Does the french movie The Red Balloon have dialog in it?

Excepting possible background music, the film was silent. that is no spoken dialogue.

According to Aristotle music had a great power to influence our?

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Silent Music - 2011 was released on: USA: June 2011

How did African music influence Latin music?

African music is characterized by drums and other percussion instruments, which are heavily used in Latin American music. Latin American music also has Spanish influence.

What program do you use to take out the sound from a video?

you can use windows movie maker it will let you edit the movie and the sound just drag the audio thing to audio/music and if you dont have adudio the movie will be silent.

What is the music in the bbc1 promo for silent Witness 2009?

The theme music for Silent Witness is a song called "Silencium" by John Harle.