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It is because, the earthquake that broke of the coast of sendai happened under the sea and the type of the earthquake was a destructive.Meaning it moved the plates backwards and forwards under the sea bed causing the sea above it to violently move back and forwards creating dangerousley high and powerful waves(4-10M) to reach the coast of sendai and sweep miles through the inland areas.

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Q: How did the tsunmai happen in Japan?
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Where did the Kobe earth quake happen?

In Kobe, Japan.

Are Japan earthquake lowest earthquake hazard level or not?

Japanese have one of the highest because earthquakes happen there frequently. So no Japan does not.

Where do most earthquakes and tsunami occurs?

Japan. Tsunami's really don`t happen in most countries(Hawaii may vary). Earthquakes are popular in Japan,so yes.

Did the Japanese know that the earthquake was going to strike?

japan knew about it 15 minutes before it was soon to happen

Can a earthquack happen more than once at the same place?

Yes, Honshu[Japan], Mexico, Alaska and Indonasia are the places where earthquack happen more than one or two times.

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Did any people died in Japan's tsunmai?


How did the Japanese tsunmai start?

An earthquake that hit japan started the tsunami

How do reduce the impact of a tsunmai?

To impact of a tsunmai like they could do prearation telling peolpe on tv to stay away from the sea and go to a high hill the tsunmai come in any sec.

Can humans destroys tsunmai?

hek no!

Where was the tsunmai in Japan?

Tsunami...right tsunami is a series of water wave caused by displacement of large volume of water...tsunami is not a state nor a town nor a city

How long does a Tsunmai last for?

a million scrapbook

How dangerous can a tsunmai be?

tsunami can kill you and it is 30 meter high

When did the floods happen in japan?

13th of march 2011

When do earthquakes happen in japan?

They can happen at any time.

Where in Japan did the tsunami happen?

off the cost of Honsho, Japan

What happen after the Japan earthquake?

A tsunami hit japan after the earthquake.

What country did hiroshima happen in?
