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Southern leaders over reacted to the US presidential election in 1860. They were also short sighted with regards to viewing the logical path of the institution of slavery. Whatever the evils of the UK's " parliamentary monarchy system" yielded to their American colonies, the US was an improvement over the core values of Great Britain. One of those core values created the slave system in North America, however, by 1830 or so, the UK, via compensation, slavery was abolished.

Even forgetting the British example, the Southern leadership over reacted. Whatever the position of the Republican Party was, the established national party was the Democratic Party. Added to that was the fact that the US Supreme Court decided that slavery was Constitutional. And, that the Congress had no power to regulate it. That decision included the US territories.

By the time the anti-slavery movement had enough states and votes to create an amendment,to abolish slavery, the four year term of Republican power could have very well ended especially if the Democrats could reunite themselves.

Lastly and most importantly, economic thinkers should have seen the value of Adam Smith's economic publications and views about slavery. Smith's ideas concerning the misspent resources on slavery instead of using it towards investing in industry were widely known. Combined with compensation and more morality, slavery could have become a non-issue.

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Unfavourably, because he would not allow the creation of any new slave-states. This meant that the South would always be outvoted in Congress.

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What is the adjective of election?

The noun elect is an abstract noun as a word for a carefully chosen group; those worthy of being chosen. The noun 'elect' is a plural form uncountable noun preceded by the article 'the'.The abstract noun forms of the verb to elect are elector, election, and the gerund, electing.

What part of speech is elect?

Elect is a verb.

How many registered republicans in the US?

The American political parties, including the Democratic Party and the Republican parties are actually each 50 political parties. The nature of political parties in the United States is a function of each of the 50 states. So there is a Texas Democratic party and a Nebraska Democratic party and a Republican New York party and so on. Each state constructs its own rules for political parties within the borders of that state.Unfortunately for your question not all of the states have a system that registers voters in one political party or the other. So you have what is called an "open primary." That means that a registered voter does not declare his or her party affiliation when he or she registers, but when he or she votes in the party primary.For example in Texas you could wake up on primary election day (not the general election day) and decide which party primary you wish to vote in. It is your choice. After you vote, say in the Republican Party primary your voter registration certificate is stamped "Republican." That stamp has very little meaning unless the party has another primary election in the time before you get a new voter registration card (usually each year.)And on the general election day, usually the first Tuesday in November, you can still vote for whichever candidates you choose. It is a secret ballot.The best measure for Democrats and Republicans is probably the General Election Day for President of the United States every four years. In the last election 52% voted Democratic and 47% (ironic, huh?) voted Republican.In the 2012 general election 65,907,213 persons voted Democratic and60,931,767 voted Republican.Of course, in the United States of America we do not elect our President by popular vote. What really counts is the electoral college. And that is the answer to another question.

What was not a guarantee of the Magna Carta?

that people would be able to elect their government

Why is it important for people to vote in elections even if it is not a presidential election year?

Voting is very important at anytime. Voters elect people to represent them in government and when they don't vote they are giving up the right to determine if the person running for office will represent them and make laws for the common good of the nation or community. They are giving up their voice to change things for the better when they don't vote.

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