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Wear safety equipment, cover areas not affected by rust, use a sanding and grinding wheels to prepare surface.Then spray primer on, sand with wet sandpaper, paint, then buff. Let set for 48 hours.

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Q: How do I remove small rust spots from a used truck?
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How can you remove rust spots on a basement carpet?

Try CLR or an OXY cleaner.

How do you remove rust from a truck frame?

Surface rust on a truck frame can be removed with abrasives like sand blasting or a scale removal tool. If the rust is deep then it may have compromised the frames integrity and will need to be professionally cut out and replaced.

When you wash your wolfgang puck Knives in the dishwasher you get what looks like rust spots. What can you do about this?

The rust spots might be caused by rusting parts inside the dishwasher, such as under the 'wand' piece that rotates at the bottom of the dishwasher. Consult your manufacturer's Operating Manual FIRST then a hardware store manager for suggestions; different products can reduce rust---but not remove it completely. The part(s) will likely need replaced for the rust spots to stop on your knives.

What takes rust off stainless flatware?

If its just small spots of rust, I use a scouring pad (usually metal) whcih removes the rust spot quite nicely without harming the finish of the cutlery.

Is Evapo-Rust safe to use on car paint with rust spots?

Its fine

How do rust spots develop on paver tiles and do they weaken the tiles?

I don't know how the rust spots got there but they wont effect the strength of the tiles

What could be causing rust spots in an inground salt water pool?

Grass fert. -- if they are small BB sized -- it has iron in it. k

How do you clean rust spots?

lemonjuice and salt.

Is rust a count noun or a non-count noun?

The noun rust is a non-count noun. Units of rust are worded as 'spots of rust' or 'patches of rust'

What is rust remover?

Rust remover is a liquid that can be used to remove rust. A homemade rust remove is white vinegar. It can be sprayed directly onto the rust.

Can salt remove rust?

It is not correct.

You have rust spots which have covered your Norica Titain air rifle you need to know the best wayto remove it and how to insure that you dont scratch it ect?

take a pad of OOO or OOOO brillo. Put gun oil on the pad and wipe the rust area. The fine brillo will not remove the finish................