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Well they can try and predict them by investing in that kind of technology as they do in Japan and also try and train the people on what to do if there is an earthquake e.g. in Japan they have a day that is all about training the emergency services and school children and other people on how to tackle fires and things like that if they start after the earthquake. Hope this helps!


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Q: How do countries prepare for tectonic activity?
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What countries have no tectonic activity?

Southern Nations

What is the result of tectonic activity?

Tectonic activity has a number of consequences, which include continental drift, earthquakes, and volcanoes.

How does a tectonic activity help make a rejuvenated river?

Rejuvenated rivers are found where the land is raise by tectonic activity.

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many of Caribbean islands was formed by what type of tectonic activity

What is tectonic activities?

Tectonic Activity- activity that occurs as a result of tectonic plate movement, for example: earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building in general.

What is formed by tectanic activity?

Tectonic activity, such as that created by the movement of tectonic plates, can create mountains and deep sea rifts, as well as earthquakes.

What are the countries in the tectonic plate?

all countries are on tectonic plates because everything on the surface of the earth is on tectonic plates. be more specific with your questions.

What is the difference between a tectonic hazard and a tectonic event?

a tectonic hazard is a disaster caused by the moving of tectonic plates.....anda tectonic activity is the moving of tectonic plates........

Which countries are threatened by tectonic activity?

The United States is an example; the San Andreas Fault in California is the dividing line between tectonic plates. Other nations include Peru, Chile, and Japan.

What is the tectonics?

It is that convection currents cause tectonic activity

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How are Philippine archipelagos formed?

Philippine archipelagos are formed through tectonic activity, primarily the movement of tectonic plates. The Philippine archipelago is at the convergent boundary of several tectonic plates, causing volcanic activity, earthquakes, and the creation of ocean trenches and island arcs over millions of years. The archipelago's unique geology and topography are a result of this ongoing tectonic activity.