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Yes how else would they move

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Q: How do earthworms use energy?
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What give earthworms energy?

What gives an earthworm energy is my face

Where do earthworms get water from?

Earthworms will eat through anything in the soil and get they're energy and water from what they consume.

Do fish eat earthworms?

Yes, they do. If you go fishing, use earthworms as bait.

Can you use earthworms for sea fishing?

Yes definitely ! Earthworms are one of the best foods for fish.....

Describe the feeding strategies of earthworms and leeches?

Earthworms use their pharynxes to suck soil and detritus into their esophagus.

What to earthworms use to move around?

They use their hydrostatic skeleton.

What do earthworms use for body support?


Do earthworms use external fertilization?

according to my research earthworms use external fertilization because they receive and store sperm from the other worms in copulation.

Why do earthworms use external fertilization?

according to my research earthworms use external fertilization because they receive and store sperm from the other worms in copulation.

How does a earthworms move?

It use their side's mussel to move.

Why don't earthworms use sunscreen?

Because they can't buy it.

How do earthworms grow?

Earthworms grow atleast 2 inches a day. Earthworms are one of the most living creatures on earth. Earthworms are very rare even though people use them sometimes as bait for fishing or sometimes if they have nothing to eat they will eat earthworms. Earthworms been on earth for more then 1000 years...they live toabout 2 yearsa 10 ft. long earthworm has been discovered.