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To Become One: First and foremost, you should be a solid artist in your own right and must be able to draw virtually anything on command. In addition to this, you should have a professional looking portfolio of your original artwork laid out that you can take with you to prospective shops in your area. They will not hire you on as an apprentice if you do not have this, and most shops and the artists therein, simply don't have the time for the most part to teach you how to draw or to hold your hand overly throughout the process of learning. You should know a substantial amount about tattooing, the different tattooing styles, tattoo history, designs and their different meanings and many other things that will help you along to become a professional artist as quickly as possible as opposed to a person who is just into tattoos, but knows NOTHING about them really. Also, if you were to be this type of person, you wouldn't get hired by a credible shop anyways. This is a fairly competitive industry and there simply isn't room for tourists or hacks. Before you attempt to gain an apprenticeship you should take the initiative and get your up to date tetanus and hepatitis shots, an HIV blood screen, as well as to take a course through your local Red Cross in CPR and Basic First Aid, and make doubly sure that you get papers documenting this that you can supply along with your portfolio. You will be required to do all of this throughout the tenure of your apprenticeship anyways, as well as you will be required by state law to be accredited in Bloodborne Pathogen training and Cross-Contamination prevention, but the shop in which you work will most likely set this up for you. If you have talent and can learn quickly with efficiency, your apprenticeship shouldn't last more than 2 years, but more often, 1 year with solid learning and good practice can give you the skills to be a decent artist new to the game.

The Demands: You have to work long hours. You rarely get to work on your own art half the time. You usually eat something that came in a wrapper or in a box, and it will most likely be cold by the time that you eat it. You have to deal with the potentiality of coming into contact with infected persons and fluids. You have to deal with people from all walks of life and all walks of emotions. Your back and operating hand will usually be sore to some extent. You have to deal with eye strain and the headaches that can come from listening to a buzzing tattoo machine all day. You must regularly update your Bloodborne Pathogen Certificate and also take additional courses pertaining to tattooing and or general health issues regulated be either the state in which you work or mandated by the shop in which you work. You are never home when you say you are going to be half the time due to work. You work in your off hours on art and designs usually. You are usually required to travel for a few days at a time throughout the year going to conventions and have to deal with the monetary hit that this takes. And many other things. It is definitely a labor of love.

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Q: How do you become a tattoo artist and the demans of being one?
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What is bad about being a tattoo artist?

Being precise.If you mess something up, and the costumer is upset, you will be in big trouble, sinceyou cant Undo something you do on a tattoo.

Can one get a tattoo or piercing while on Comadin or Warfarin?

I just had a tattoo done and I take coumadin daily...I had no problems. I told the artist prior to my tattoo being done so he was aware I could problems though

How do you become a tattoo artist in Spokane or Washington state?

There is currently no license required for tattoo artists in Washington state... it is considered an unregulated state. So - you basically just get in by going to school for it, apprenticing, or being self-taught. You do need a Bloodborn Pathogen Certificate. Also a business license may be required.

Do you need a tattoo license in Canada?

NO. However, let's get this straight. There is no Canadian licensing body that licenses the tattoo artist or certifies him/her to be able to tattoo. There is a school in Toronto, but it is not accredited to my knowledge. The tattoo artists' SHOP must be licensed. This process involves having Health Canada inspect the tattoo shop at least once a year to ensure that they are following Canada guidelines in health and safety (ensuring that the environment is clean, equipment is properly stored, used and sterilized where appropriate; ensure that the proper disinfectants are being used etc... People are quickly mixing up "licensed studio" with a "tattoo license or certification" which are two completely different things. Your shop has to be licensed, but the artist does not.

What gave Claude Monet the idea of being a famous artist?

When he was growing up he went to a please called..le havre.. And met a local artist which encouraged him to become a landscape painter!

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What happens after being a tattoo aprentince?

You become a tattoo artist and either stay under your teacher or you move to a different shop.

Can you be a tattoo parlor owner without being a tattoo artist?

Absolutley, but should you? Absolutley not! As with any industry you should know it and live it. If all your staff were to leave you, could you support your business. Also us real artists are insulted by people who cash in on our industry without putting in the disclipline to become an artist first, not a tattoo artist, but an artist.

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What is bad about being a tattoo artist?

Being precise.If you mess something up, and the costumer is upset, you will be in big trouble, sinceyou cant Undo something you do on a tattoo.

How much does tattoo ink cost?

Being a tattoo artist is a wonderful profession. However, supplies to be a tattoo artist can cost. Generally speaking, the cost of tattoo ink can range from $2.50 per bottle to $37 for a kit of 28 bottles. This is dependent on which company it is bought from.

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By being apprenticed to the Florentine artist Andrea del Verrocchio.

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I don't think you need a degree for being an anime artist.

What is the law in Tennessee concerning the act of putting a tattoo on your own minor child if it is done by you the parent a unlicensed tattoo artist?

Its against the law any way you look at it. You cant tattoo a minor in your state. NO exceptions. Its a class A misdemeanor. Its also against the law to tattoo without being licensed.

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By being a talented apprentice to Pietro Perugino.

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Is Dave Navarro a tattoo artist?

No. He's a host who gets rebutles from Oliver Peck and Chris Nunez. He has no business whatsoever being on InkMaster.

How much would it cost to get a quote tattoo?

It usually doesn't cost anything. Of you are getting charged for a quote quit being a dick to the artist.