As of today, a Wii console for sale in Walmart costs $129.99. The console bundle includes Wii Sports, and comes in the color white or black. It is on sale and the price may go up in the future.
I don't know, but your wii must be screwed up. no offense.
Here are some ideas: if you have a pool, get a pool volleyball net, and play volleyball. If not, set up a volleyball net in your backyard. You could also just play some volleyball wii games, such as deca sports, or big beach challenge. I suggest deca sports.
If you are talking about Mario kart wii, use the wii wheel. Then when you jump off a ramp, or speed boost, shake the wii wheel and you will perform a trick. You will get a speed boost when you land.
farmer fan (as in sports)
900 and up
No, the wii fit helps more butdo not give up exercising.
In Wii Sports Resort select "Basketball". You will see two options:"3-point Contest" and "Pick-up Game" Select "Pick-up Game" and then you could play Basketball.
No one can answer your question. It doesn't make sense.Well im prosuming your meaning how much it COSTSIf you think about it it is pointless you are on the internet an you can look it up buy websites that could get you one....!And they are all difrent prices...
On Pickup Game, just simply move the Wii remote up and down.
Sounds like a scratched up disk. Buy a disk cleaner or cream to fix it.
Try to go above the plane and with your wii remote move it forward and then get it.
It's just up the road from the normal town.
The "silver tennis racquet" is a myth and its made up.
You can't in a normal game of bowling. However, there is a training for bowling where they put barriers up.
If you by it online: use Select shopping, and search Wii sports resort. Click on it; a list of prices will show up and the place that's selling it. Click on "go to store" and you'll be at the website.