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you only fish in a highly populated area. And only for a short time.

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Q: How do you prevent the destructive method of fishing?
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How has the Muro-Ami fishing method contributed to the decrease of the marine resources?

The Muro Ami fishing techniques are very destructive of the delicate marine environment. In order to catch more fish, they pound on and crush coral, killing any parts of the reef they are near.

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The least destructive method would be to simply identify the desired mineral specimen by eye and pick it up.

Most destructive effects on ocean-floor ecosystems?

Trawl Fishing :)

What does non-destructive fishing mean?

It means to fish not endangered species of fish; also, fishing during correct seasons

What are the destructive practice of man?

dynamite fishing,illegal logging,hunting,smoking

Is bottom trawling a destructive fishing practice that destroys ocean habitats?

it is true

Which method of commercial fishing has a high rate of bycatch?

Long line fishing

How do you prevent muro ami fishing?

we can prevent this by simply valuing our nature

Which method of fishing affeets the fishing resources the most?

I would say Commercial

Issues in dynamite fishing that affect the ecosystem?

Dyamite fishing is a very destructive method that devastates coral reefs because... 1. It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of ANNABEL LEE; And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me.

What is the main method of fishing in south America?
