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There are a ton of great ways to use vellum. One of my favorites is as an overlay. Whenever I am using bright or bold papers, I will print a small narrative onto the vellum in a dark ink. I prefer to use nice clean tears, instead of cutting it. It gives a slightly roughened edge. It can be a little tricky using glue to secure it down, as you will be able to see the glue through the vellum and it can cause distortion of the vellum itself. I usually skip the glue, and secure it down with some interesting brads, or something of that type. The pattern of the paper will still be visible through the vellum, but it will be softened.

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If you don't want to apply using eyelets in the corners or with something else like photo corners (or other corner type embellishments), run it through a Xyron machine or similar that applies a solid, clear adhesive evenly across the entire back side. Make sure to smooth it using a bone folder, and do that with a nice even surface behind the material you're working on (ie, don't smooth it on a wooden table or work surface that has any texture).

Hope that makes sense. =)

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