If you're not familiar with brake jobs in general, purchase a Chilton's repair manual that covers your vehicle. Good brakes are a number one priority.
Spongy brakes are caused by air in the brake lines.
The Parking Brake has a couple of configurations, on some vehicles with rear disc brakes it will press the inside pad of the caliper and squeeze the pad against the brake rotor to engage, some vehicles have a small set of brake shoes inside the rear rotor hub which press against the hub and prevent it from turning when the brake lever is engaged. On vehicles with rear drum brakes, the parking brake causes the rear brake shoe on either side to press against the brake drum and prevent it from turning. Either configuration in on the rear wheels.Usually the rear axle. The parking brakes are also the emergency brakes, and if they were on the front, could render the vehicle unsteerable in an accident avoidance maneuver.Rear brakes. On some older cars they parking brake actually surrounded the drive shaft and when applied lock the drive shaft in place. Today the parking brake applies the rear brakes.
Brake shoes are an integral part of the braking system of a motor vehicle. When a driver steps on the brake, the brake shoe is the mechanical part that he or she is ultimately controlling to bring the car to a stop. The backing of a brake shoe is a metal part, but the area that actually comes in contact with the brake is padded to provide friction to stop the car without damaging the brake itself. Brake shoes are found inside of drum brakes; disc brakes have calipers, which serve the same function in a slightly different way.
if you have a brake shoe on rear brakes, you do not have rear disk brakes pads go on disks.shoes go on drum brakes
i replace my rear brake shoes on 2001 dodge grand caravan and my emergency brake is still not working
Possible brake line leak
Could be the brake fluid reservoir is low which would be telling you the brakes need attention. Could be parking brake not fully released
manualy adjust the brake calibur on rear brake slot located under rear axles on the inner brake cover.
A 1999 Dodge Caravan uses DOT 3 brake fluid.
A dodge caravan may be experiencing rear brake noise due to needing new brake pads. This may also be due to worn rotors.
To repair brakes, you need to first decide what needs to be replaced. You may want to replace just the brake pads, or the brake lines.
A person can find pictures of the rear disc brake assembly for a 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan can be found in a Chilton's automobile repair manual. A manual like this can be found in most libraries and at automobile parts stores.
One of the brake may be dragging or staying on. Check the calipers and hoses.
The brake pads are actually shoes. The emergency brake relies on the rear brake shoes being applied by tension on the emergency brake cable against the rear drums to hold the car stationary. In other words, the rear brakes double as the emergency (parking) brakes.
The 2003 model has different caliper assembly for the brake system of the vehicle. If your Caravan has drum rear brakes, it uses TRW brake calipers. If you have disc rotors in the rear then the front will have "Continental Teves" calipers (Haynes 9-3).