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Although being a paparazzi gives you a reputation of being a sleazy, annoying person, you can become filthy rich. All you need is a camera. No, not a digital Sony. An intense, high quality camera that you can sling around your neck. It has to have big flash and it has to be big. You also need to live in an area with celebrities. "People" doesn't want of picture of a hobo on the cover of their magazine. You need Photography experience and you cant just take one picture. You keep taking them, and taking them. You then take it to a magazine company to get your money. The picture has to be good, too. It cant be blurry or anything like that. And high-def.

I really hope this helps! BTW-I'm only 11 so I don't know if this is accurate or not.

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they follow them around and take secret pics of them and they publish them for amounts of money hope that helped you

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Q: How does a paparazzi get pictures of famous people?
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What is paparatzzi?

paparazzi is people that follow famous people around and take pictures of them for magazines websites etc. most pictures taken of celebrities are bad because the bad pictures make the paparazzi more money. i hope this helps (: *-Ramona-*

Why do paparazzi exist?

Paparazzi exist because they are the way we find out what famous people are up to. They take pictures everyday and that's how they keep us entertained. If we didn't have paparazzi then stars wouldn't be famous.

Are paparazzi crazy?

No, paparazzi are just people taking photos of famous people. They may be intrusive at times but all in all they are just trying to get money to make a living. Plus without paparazzi how would we have any pictures of stars being themselves(well trying to be). This is a fair question but maybe you should try not to judge people because of their profession.

What do you call people who take secret pictures of stars and important people?

Those people are called paparazzi.

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The nude pictures ? it was the stinkin paparazzi who leaked those pictures and people should get over it

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What is an paparazzi?

poparazzi is press phototogapas that take pics of famous people hope this is what u were looking for A Paparizzi is a freelance photographer who doggedly pursues celebrities to take candid pictures for sale to magazines and newspapers.

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What are names of some famous people killed from the paparazzi?

Princess Diana was killed in a tragic car accident after being chased by paparazzi. She died on August 31, 1997.

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Because imagine all the people taking there pictures, harassing them, and telling the paparazzi what they are doing.hope this helps

How does Demi Lovato deal with paparazzi?

Demi is one of the celebs who deals with paparazzi maturely and treats them respectfully. Demi always smiles and poses for her pictures the paparazzi take.

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To prevent the Paparazzi from taking pictures of them.